2314 Awakening the spark of the spirit....
April 26, 1942: Book 32
Without the spirit of God, even the deepest wisdom remains hidden. You must first have awakened the spiritual spark within you before the knowledge of God and His reign and activity can be revealed to you. Awakening the spiritual spark within you is your task in life, for your higher development as a human being begins with the awakening of the spirit within you. The soul begins to unite with the spirit, which is the purpose and goal of life on earth. But uniting the soul with the spirit must also bring knowledge to the soul, which is previously ignorant, since the spirit in it knows everything because it is a part of God. The penetration into divine knowledge, however, gives the soul a certain freedom, for darkness of the spirit is a bondage.... the soul is narrowly limited in its knowledge, whereas the transmission of wisdom from God is a state of light and strength for it, i.e. a state of freedom. This becomes understandable when the actual task of the soul is considered. The soul should overcome matter, i.e. it should disregard the body's desire for worldly things, which are matter.... it should strive for union with the spirit within itself. Therefore the latter must appear desirable to it and the spirit must offer it something that it can oppose to the body's desire.... And this is the wisdom from God.... Now the soul also feels that it still lacks this, that it is therefore in a state of ignorance, in a state of imperfection, of limitation and lack of freedom. And it feels that it can change this state through its will, that it can change it into a state of knowledge and therefore also of freedom and perfection as soon as it seeks the connection with the divine spiritual spark in it, which, as part of God, is something perfect.... It feels that this connection redeems her from her lack of freedom, because it becomes light and bright within her, because it is led from the state of ignorance into the state of realization. Knowledge is freedom, knowledge is light and knowledge is strength.... and all of this is conveyed to the soul by the spirit in the human being as soon as the human being awakens this spiritual spark within himself. The awakening of the spirit, however, is an act of free will, and therefore it also depends on the human being himself whether the divine secrets remain a secret to him or whether he is introduced to the deepest knowledge by the dormant spark of God within him, the spirit from God.... And he must express his willingness through activity in love, then the spirit in him awakens to life.... and he introduces the soul of man into a realm that is otherwise inaccessible to man.... He imparts divine knowledge and sets the soul free....
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