2182 State of light or darkness in the afterlife.... condition for improvement....
December 11, 1941: Book 31
The soul does not come to a clear realization of its situation until it has entered the spiritual kingdom and now sees a completely different environment than it had on earth. It therefore knows that it has left earth and that it has now lost all connection with it, and only now does it take a closer look at its surroundings. It can have a blissful but also a depressing effect on the soul, depending on the degree of maturity the person has reached at the time of his death. A soul that sees itself in light-filled surroundings also has knowledge. It will therefore also clearly recognize that it now has to carry out a task in the beyond, and it is delighted that it can use its knowledge and thus help the souls in the beyond or on earth. But it is bad for the souls whose degree of maturity is low, for they do not recognize much of what surrounds them. Everything will appear dark and lightless to them, for their knowledge is limited and cannot be replaced by anything. The darkness oppresses them because they were used to the light on earth, and the lack of knowledge manifests itself in a state of powerlessness which is immensely depressing. And now they realize that they have lived their earthly life in vain and that they themselves are to blame for their barren, lightless sojourn, and they try to change it. This will is already the beginning of ascent, even if it cannot be taken into account soon, because the being first has to prove itself whether and to what extent light can be brought to it. The soul often has to completely detach itself from its previous view; for example, if the human being has only lived for himself on earth he will also only see his own suffering in the beyond and have no sympathy for the suffering of other souls. And then they cannot be helped. Its surroundings will remain desolate and without light, for even if it longs for help it will only think of its own suffering but can only be released from it if it endeavours to bring help to other souls who suffer like it. This is the first condition, and recognizing this is the first step towards reaching....
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