
2168b christianity - doctrine of love.... recognizing the deity of Jesus....

November 28, 1941: Book 31

The activity of love is a prerequisite for the knowledge of God's infinite love, for man only becomes knowledgeable when he lives in love, because love and wisdom cannot be thought of without each other. So love leads to knowledge, consequently the loving person will be able to understand both the idea of redemption and Jesus Christ as the saviour of the world. For as soon as the human being recognizes, he also knows about the appalling plight in which all beings find themselves as they walk through life on earth. He realizes the great distance of the being from God as well as its weakness without divine help. And therefore he also recognizes the blessing of the work of redemption.... He knows that only love has redeeming power and that Jesus Christ sacrificed Himself out of love for humanity, that He therefore averted eternal death from the beings through His death on the cross and thus redeemed them. And even if the human being is completely distant from the christian faith.... his activity in love brings him the knowledge of Jesus Christ's work of redemption. Anyone who lives in love also knows that Jesus Christ embodied love Himself, and he will never ever oppose Him, he will affirm Him in his heart and also before the world, for the love in his heart decides in His favour. Christian teaching will therefore only ever be the teaching of love, and no teaching will ever preach love that opposes Jesus Christ. A person's love should be unselfish, it should give and not demand.... To live as a follower of Jesus means to give everything that a person deems worthy of love and to demand nothing for oneself.... Anyone who observes this commandment of love follows Jesus and his walk on earth earns him redemption from spiritual bondage, his spirit recognizes the divinity of Jesus and he does not doubt for a moment, even if the whole world wants to rise up against him and rob him of his faith in the redeemer. Recognizing the truth does not depend on how it is presented to him, but only the person who lets his heart speak more becomes knowledgeable, and this is expressed in works of unselfish neighbourly love. God is love, and Jesus moulded Himself into love, consequently the deity was in Him in all its fullness. The divine teaching of love should now likewise mould man in such a way that the human heart can become the dwelling place of Him Who is love Himself. Jesus first imparted this teaching to people and confirmed it through His death on the cross. And even if people have now become completely loveless, the divine teaching of love can never be completely eradicated, for it is from God and everything divine is imperishable. And even if the divine saviour is denied, as long as a spark of love still glows in the human being's heart he will stand up for the divine saviour, and this will earn him increased love, and he will learn to believe ever more deeply and unshakably that God descended to earth and embodied Himself in Jesus in order to redeem humanity, in order to acquire eternal life for those who shape themselves into love....


Translated by Doris Boekers