2159 Power of the divine word....
November 21, 1941: Book 31
Receiving the divine word will enable the human being to fulfil the task which is the purpose of his earthly life. God has assured His grace and strength to those people who are of good will, and they demonstrate their good will when they hear Him.... if they accept His word and endeavour to obey it. The will is decisive, and the good will leads decisively to God, because the strength that flows from His word leads back to Him. It pushes the person who is willing into the circuit of divine love, and what has once felt God's love can never again be without this love.... It follows the course of higher development in constant readiness to receive God's love. And love flows to every receptive heart, again in the form of His word. For God's word is the outflow of His never-ending love.... God's word is the epitome of grace and power.... God's word is the influx of Him Who Himself is the word from eternity. God Himself descends to earth in the word, and He floods everything with strength that surrenders to the effect of this word. Only the will is required to receive it in order to be flooded with its power. The recipient must inevitably develop upwards because a decline is no longer possible where the power of God Himself is at work. Only where there is resistance is the word of God ineffective. For there it passes by the ear and heart of man, the power cannot penetrate because the heart closes, and man remains untouched, and he feels nothing of the blessing of the divine word. To desire is to receive.... And therefore the will of man must first become active before the power from God can flow to him. But where the will has turned towards God, the human being can never be without strength, and this strength flowing towards him connects the human being with God, it lets him recognize his origin and inevitably draws him back to the place from where he started.... it leads him towards his primordial beginning, to God, from Whose strength the being has emerged....
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