
2186 Spiritual experience fulfilment of longing....

December 15, 1941: Book 31

Only in spiritual experience will the human being find complete satisfaction, for prior to this he will never be completely content, and earthly life can certainly fulfil his earthly wishes but he will nevertheless not be perfectly happy, for his soul senses that the unrestricted fulfilment of earthly desires will not benefit it and its longing is for the fulfilment of spiritual yearning. However, as soon as the human being occupies himself with spiritual thoughts the soul's longing will be satisfied, and only then will it be content. For it is now considered according to its desire. But earthly desires recede into the background, they can no longer stimulate the soul, while the hunger for spiritual experience is constantly growing within it. Every spiritual conversation makes the human being happy, every spiritual enlightenment delights him, and therefore he must constantly mature because his desire for spiritual good is always and constantly growing and he receives spiritual wealth according to his desire. A person who has once tasted spiritual food will never relapse and succumb to the temptations of the world, for whatever the world offers him will not come close to the blessing of spiritual good.... No earthly pleasure will ever be a substitute for spiritual mediation once a person has attained realization. Consequently, the desire for the world must therefore become less and less, soon there will be nothing left which exerts an attraction on a person whose spirit has awakened and has now made contact with the spiritual beyond. This contact will be of great benefit to his soul and it will feel it beneficially. The soul has now consciously joined the spirit in it, and the spirit now guides it into the right cognition, which again is of greatest importance for the soul, because this is already the entry into the spiritual kingdom, although man still dwells on earth. If the soul tries to free itself from its bodily shell by mentally dwelling outside of the earthly, it has already overcome matter, it disregards everything that is connected to earth and seeks out the kingdom which is its actual home. And only there it finds true peace, although it can only stay outside of earth temporarily because the body keeps drawing it back as long as it is still connected to it. Thus it now fulfils its earthly task but only does so out of duty and not out of its own desire. However, as soon as it has fulfilled its earthly task and can free itself, it is drawn back into the spiritual realm. Spiritual truths are its nourishment and it increases in light and realization as soon as it is nourished in the spiritual kingdom. And understandably the soul must now also mature, for it has recognized its true destiny, it has used earthly life to draw closer to the spirit within.... it has learned to despise everything earthly and only desires the spiritual kingdom, for only there will it find fulfilment of its longing....


Translated by Doris Boekers