2310 Weakness of will - shortcoming.... responsibility.... word....
April 22, 1942: Book 32
The slightest resistance reduces the effect of the emanation of strength from God, because the fullest will is needed in order to be able to receive a gift from God, otherwise the supply of strength would be given to the being against its will and thus signify a forced higher development. Only the life power necessary for the preservation of the being is given to every man also without his will, but he can also leave this life power unused for the higher development, and he must therefore first let his will become active for the utilization of that life power coming to him. Weakness of will is a shortcoming for which the being itself is held responsible, for the strength to carry out its will is constantly given to it as long as the human being remains on earth, thus whatever the human being wants he can also carry out if it applies to the transformation of his soul. For this only requires a life of love.... but every human being can mould himself into love as long as he has the will to do so. He can be good towards his fellow human beings, and that is all that God demands of people as proof of His love for Him. And in order to be good, a person only needs to want to be good and then he will be able to do so, because God gives him the strength to do so by giving him life and preserving it. He demands nothing but love from people, for people emerged from love and, after an endlessly long period of separation from the one Who is love in Himself, they are to return to Him again, and they can only do so through love. The emanation of strength from God is a bestowal of divine love, thus an act of grace which requires the ability and willingness to receive, for the emanation of love from God can only be bestowed upon those who prove themselves worthy of God's love, who desire it and thus open their heart to the divine flow of love. Divine love does not deny itself to them, it gives itself to them in the word, which is and will remain the greatest proof of God's love for people for all eternity....
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