2069 Spiritual reorganization....
September 13, 1941: Book 30
It is a certain spiritual arrogance to feel called upon to introduce a spiritual new order, i.e. to want to eradicate the existing and replace it with new teachings and commandments which are certainly intended to serve humanity's best interests but which only bring physical advantage but no spiritual advancement. This is indisputably an influence of evil power, for this plan is directed against God and against the divine teaching, and anyone who recognizes it is likewise subject to that power, otherwise he would recognize the will directed against God by the fact that the divinity of Jesus Christ is denied. Christ brought salvation to the world, and if He is denied, the world falls back into the state of spiritual darkness in which it once was. And it is precisely this spiritual night in which it walks that causes God to rekindle the light and use all means to make people reflect. For it is spiritual darkness to presume or approve of wanting to improve something that God allowed to come to earth through Jesus Christ.... a teaching which only preached love and which alone can promote spiritual advancement, and it is presumptuous to now want to improve this teaching and to substitute it with something new which no longer corresponds to the divine commandments. In His infinite love God still allows the effect of this endeavour to be a blessing for those people who are in danger of neglecting the divine teaching of love and who focus too much on outward appearances. They will be prompted by a strong shaking of their previous thinking to take a stand on the core of Christian teaching. What is taken away from them, they can easily give away as long as they have faith in the divinity of Jesus and therefore also adhere to His teaching, which has only love as its guiding principle. So even those measures that are taken to bring about the downfall of something that exists will only serve to deepen faith, even though this is not the intention of those who enact such measures. Externalities, however, are worthless and should therefore not be mourned. This only leads to clarification of the innermost feelings, it leads to reflection and can therefore be a blessing for those who are lukewarm. Nevertheless, the intention behind the endeavour is reprehensible. To feel called upon to bring about a spiritual upheaval is a lack of humility and therefore also a lack of knowledge, as long as any earthly advantage is to be achieved as a result. The world, however, does not seek to increase the splendour of the light but to extinguish the light because it illuminates its activities, for the driving force behind this is the one whose will is directed against God....
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