2155 Appreciation of the divine gift prerequisite for receiving....
November 18, 1941: Book 31
Nothing remains hidden from man that he desires to know, only he must take the right path. He must turn to where he can be given truthful information. Worldly knowledge is piecemeal, but what the world cannot give him God can impart to him, and truly without error, because God cannot err and only wants to make pure truth accessible to His living creations. It is not God's will that man's knowledge is limited.... It is not His will that he should go through earthly life in ignorance, yet He will not give knowledge to those people who have no desire for it and therefore do not appreciate the divine gift.... The knowledge about His reign and activity, about His love for the creatures and about the purpose of the whole of creation is something so precious that nothing earthly can outweigh it. And all people are free to acquire this knowledge. However, God will never impart such exquisite good to those who only pay attention to the world and its pleasures. He distributes where spiritual good is desired, but withholds the gift from those who are not capable of receiving it. Man himself can therefore determine the degree of his knowledge, and he will understandably remain ignorant until the desire for truth awakens in him. Even if God were to give the truth to those people, they would still not recognize it as such, which is why the person who wants to teach them and guide them into a different way of thinking has a difficult time. Those who constantly strive will also awaken or grow in their desire. But he who remains in spiritual inertia, who is content with the knowledge that has been imparted to him by man, sets the limits to his knowledge himself. He cannot be offered the truth because he does not open his heart and ears, but closes himself off to the wisdom of God. There is nothing that remains closed to man if he turns to God Himself for enlightenment. Yet he knows nothing of the divine working of the spirit, he knows nothing of the connection between the creator and His living creations, he knows nothing of His love, and thus it is incomprehensible to him that and how he can establish contact with Him. Yet he is just as inaccessible to instructions, for his will is strong; he is influenced by God's adversary and therefore he rejects and remains unteachable. The spirit of truth requires a receptive heart, but the will to reject makes the working of the divine spirit impossible, consequently he will remain in spiritual darkness who feels no urge within himself for the brightness of the spirit. Divine gifts are precious and should be desired with a prayerful heart and received with a grateful heart; but where the prayer for the communication of truth does not precede it, the worthiness to receive it is lacking. And man remains ignorant, even though he believes he has earthly knowledge....
Translated by Doris Boekers