2058 Knowledge or increased activity of love necessary for union with God....
September 4, 1941: Book 30
Depending on his receptivity the human being will now acquire this knowledge. But the knowledge will always concern things which are related to God and infinity, and the received knowledge will always contribute towards bringing the human being closer to God, for as soon as the human being receives enlightenment about divine activity and reign he will also bow before Him in reverence, and this also means drawing closer to God. Consequently, the human being must first acquire a certain knowledge before he can find union with God. He must be initiated into the divine doctrine of love; he must know that everything has its origin in God's love and that he himself is a creature, having emerged from God's will to love. He must also know about the purpose of creation and about man's task during his existence on earth. Only the human being who has acquired such knowledge now consciously works on the shaping of his soul, and this earns him the union with God. Whoever wants to achieve union with God without knowledge must be immensely active in love so that he comes close to God through love. He must try to replace the lack of knowledge with unselfish love, for then his soul will be pleasing to God and realization will come to him in a flash when he departs from earthly life. He will therefore also possess the same knowledge because this is absolutely necessary for the task that awaits him in the beyond. For now the imparting of knowledge to ignorant souls is the activity he has to carry out. To be in knowledge on earth means to be able to carry out the mission already on earth, that is, to pass on knowledge to those who are without knowledge. And this mission is exceptionally beneficial, for it brings great spiritual advantage to both the giver and the receiver. And this is why it is also of utmost importance when the human being asks questions in thoughts which touch upon that area which is earthly inaccessible. Such questions will be answered to him by knowing powers and thus contribute towards increasing his knowledge so that he, for his part, can be active in teaching again.... so that he can already be active on earth in a redeeming sense towards his fellow human beings....
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