2476 Spiritual upheaval.... reshaping.... fight against the teachings of Christ....

September 17, 1942: Book 33

The extent to which the world is still in error can be seen from the erroneous view that is widespread among mankind that a spiritual revolution can be brought about by means of a planned reorganization in the religious sphere. This view underlies the whole endeavour that intervenes in all existing schools of thought in order to suppress or dissolve them. And people do not consider that spiritual endeavours must be carried out without any compulsion if they are really to be felt deeply within. As soon as spiritual freedom is prevented, i.e. the human being is hindered in his endeavours or he is forced into a spiritual direction, there can be no question of the human being's spiritual development, for this requires complete freedom of will. Consequently, spiritual development can never be achieved in a schematic way. The world, i.e. worldly-minded humanity, does not strive for a higher spiritual development of the soul either, but only seeks to eliminate what exists and wants to put something new in its place to equalize.... The new is supposed to surpass everything that has gone before, as it were, it is supposed to displace all teachings that have been offered to people up to now, and so the teaching of Christ is also supposed to be displaced and thus replaced by humanly compiled ideas.... by the knowledge of misguided people who now want to spread error amongst people again. Mankind has already distanced itself very far from the truth but it still clings to a certain extent to the old traditions which still contain truth.... But now even these are to be discarded, and what is offered to people as a substitute for them does not contain a shred of truth but are the ideas of earthly-minded people who lack all light and who walk the earth in spiritual darkness. They themselves live in error and now try to spread it.... And they find little resistance because humanity itself is in deepest darkness and therefore does not recognize what is truth and what is error. And it recognizes even less that such a spiritual upheaval can never take place, for people try to displace the word of God, but this is imperishable and will exist as long as the earth exists; Consequently, the battle against the teaching of Christ, which is nothing other than the word of God, is hopeless, for God will never allow a school of thought to gain the upper hand which opposes the divine teaching of love, and therefore people can make plans as they like, they will not achieve a satisfactory result because they take action against God and His word itself and therefore have to constantly lose, for God and His word are imperishable; but what people allow to come into being has no permanence and therefore has to disintegrate into itself....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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