2529 Religions.... dispute.... different schools of thought....
October 30, 1942: Book 33
People have allowed religion to become a constant source of controversy. Man's relationship with God, his task on earth and the eternal deity Himself are understood so differently and each school of thought wants to reject the other and be recognized as the only right one. And time and again people have set themselves the task of penetrating this area in terms of research, and the result has been different schools of thought which fight each other again. People believe that they can solve problems with their intellect and disregard the working of the spirit...., i.e. they do not try to put themselves into a state which alone will bring them complete enlightenment. And he will also walk in darkness for as long as he does, because without the enlightenment of the spirit truthful enlightenment is unthinkable. And the more people argue with each other, the more confused their thinking becomes and they are unable to distinguish between truth and error. And that is the time when earthly and spiritual chaos arises from which people can no longer find their way out through their own strength. The pure truth will still be found in secret but when it is brought to humanity it will not recognize it and therefore not accept it. However, as soon as an erroneous opinion tries to break through under the guise of truth, people are willing and accept it. And thus the error spreads quite alarmingly, for the few people who know the truth are ignored and therefore cannot refute the error because they are not offered the opportunity to do so, because those who believe to possess the truth, who presume to investigate with an unenlightened spirit and present their findings to their fellow human beings as truth. And God allows this because people's will has become weak, which therefore does not desire the pure truth ardently enough so that it is not immune to error either. But as long as the human being errs his soul cannot develop upwards. But this is the real task on earth. Only a striving for truth, for God, allows him to mature spiritually. And love must also be connected with the pursuit of truth. love, however, is likewise hardly taken into consideration, and without love no connection is possible with the one Who is truth Himself and Who alone can distribute the truth. Hence, what is currently being taught to people lacks love and therefore also truth and can therefore never help the human soul to salvation because the spirit from God cannot order the thoughts of people who believe themselves to be called to bring enlightenment to their fellow human beings and have not yet fulfilled any prerequisite which results in the working of the spirit in the human being....
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