2436 Enlightenment of the mind.... examining the teachings....
August 4, 1942: Book 33
Every spiritual question will be solved for you if you trustingly turn to the heavenly father and desire an answer from Him.... You live in a time of error, your thinking has been misguided and you are no longer able to separate truth from lies, for you do not call upon the one Who alone can provide you with information. Yet God comes to meet you in His love, His spirit wants to enlighten you, He wants to guide you into correct thinking. The basic principle of your life should be to fulfil God's will.... If you are inspired by this desire, you must also lend Him your ear so that you can hear His will; you must willingly open your heart so that you can hear His voice.... "Behold, I stand at the door and knock; whoever opens to Me, I will come in to him...." Open your heart, let Him in, and now present your questions to Him, and He will not leave you without an answer.... He will tell you where you are going wrong and what you should give up or keep. But you pay too much attention to what people teach you, you no longer have your own judgement, you allow yourselves to be offered spiritual food by those who would need it themselves.... you allow yourselves to be taught by people who are not called by God to do so, and you accept their words without hesitation.... but you do not recognize divine gifts. You should certainly advocate what you are completely convinced of, but you must have gained the conviction yourselves, you must think everything through and examine it, and if it stands up to serious scrutiny you may advocate it.... You must consider the pros and cons of every teaching, you must take a stand on it and decide in favour of that which you can affirm in your deepest heart.... Only then will every teaching come to life in you, whereas before it remains merely something that has been learnt and is of no value for the maturing of the soul. The serious will to scrutinize must awaken in you, for God never demands of you that you accept something without scrutinizing it, even if He Himself offers it to you. He gave you intellect and you should also use it; He demands this of you so that you will not fall into the snare of the adversary who wants to entangle you in his misguided teachings. But you are in this danger if you unhesitatingly accept everything that is demanded of you to believe. God truly informs you of His will and if your will is turned towards Him you will not oppose Him, i.e. you will decide in favour of what is right out of your own inner drive and you will not need to fear acting contrary to His divine will. However, in order to do so you must think for yourselves, that is, you must allow your spirit to become active within you. You have to separate yourselves from the world and give freedom to the spirit within you so that it can soar into the heights of light; the desire for truth must be strong in you so that you want to wrest it from the spiritual world, you must desire it from the bottom of your heart.... And your desire will truly be fulfilled, the truth will flow to the spirit within you which will be offered to it from the spiritual kingdom, because it is God's will that the truth shall be imparted to those who desire it. Yet if you accept everything offered to you by people without hesitation and without judgement then your knowledge is not worth much, for then you are merely repeating what you have been taught. However, it is not your spiritual property, for it will only become such once you have taken a stand on it yourselves and can then convincingly defend it. But then you will possess a wealth which is everlasting and which will truly make you happy.... But the error you have acquired cannot be permanent, one day you will have to give it up and your knowledge will then only be small, and therefore increase it while you are still on earth.... Ask God to instruct you Himself and listen to the voice within you which instructs you according to truth.... For God is truth and He wants it to be spread on earth, that light may shine where there is still deepest darkness....
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