2266 Need for spiritual cooperation....
March 17, 1942: Book 31
The need for your spiritual cooperation is so urgent that nothing may prevent you from doing so, for help can only be brought to people through you, who recognize this spiritual adversity and live in love, thus are willing to help. They cannot be helped in any other way, for every extraordinary sign would jeopardize their freedom of faith, and completely without guidance they will no longer find the right path out of the madness of their life. But the discerning human being knows about the great danger humanity is in; he knows that heartlessness is the cause of their low spiritual state; he knows about the dreadful consequences of people's spiritual low and will therefore try to enlighten them, that is, to enlighten them and admonish them to think and act correctly. He will impart the divine teaching of love to them and try to encourage them to diligently work on their soul; he will present God to them as the highest and most adorable being, Which is supremely loving, wise and omnipotent, and thereby also kindle the human being's love for this supreme being and lead the person to faith. And this is the only help you can bring to your fellow human beings but which you must not deny them either, for humanity's need is great. You cannot measure on earth how much you are able to do to control this spiritual need.... you cannot measure what circles your activity of love can draw on earth and how ever new souls feel the radiation of this activity of love beneficially and join again as co-workers by passing on what is imparted to them.... And every labourer will be accepted by the lord because help is needed, and no-one should shirk the task which will bring him the greatest spiritual advantage and liberate many souls from the night of the spirit. For he who himself stands in the light should remember with compassionate love those who still walk in the darkness of the spirit and ensure that the light also shines for them....
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