2569 Unsurpassable wisdom of God....
December 2, 1942: Book 33
God's wisdom is eternal, His spirit foresaw everything, He knew everything and He brought order into all things, into every event, as it corresponded to His purpose.... And this divine order is so incomparably wise that the slightest disturbance of it must have a damaging effect, i.e., that every will which is directed against the divine order also means a work of destruction for any creation which has emerged from the divine will in His order. God's wisdom can never be equalled and it will therefore never be surpassed, whereas any attempt to change the existing divine order will only result in a destructive disorder that lacks all wisdom. As long as the divine order is observed, i.e. remains untouched, everything is good and beautiful and in utmost harmony, because God's work is unsurpassable.... But where divine wisdom is opposed by inadequate knowledge and seeks to assert itself, divine order is overturned, which is like destroying what God has created, be it a visible or invisible product of His unsurpassable wisdom. Man, likewise a product of His wisdom-filled power, lives in accordance with divine will if he respects divine wisdom and never sets his will against it, i.e. uses it in a way that violates divine order, for this is sin, it is a rebellion against God's will and a disregard for His wisdom. It is an arrogance which cannot have any other than destructive consequences, for if the human being wants to overturn the divine order in his deficient wisdom, chaos must inevitably arise which is like a work of destruction, for something can only continue to exist if the creative power is respected through unconditional integration into the existing order, which is based on God's unsurpassable wisdom....
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