2519 Spiritual work.... instrument of God....
October 19, 1942: Book 33
God is moved by the deepest love and compassion in the face of people's great spiritual need. And He seeks to come to their aid in many ways. Where faith in Jesus Christ, the divine redeemer, threatens to dwindle He Himself approaches people, giving them undeniable signs by which humanity shall recognize Him. He expresses Himself through people whose hearts have completely become love, He uses their physical shell in order to work through them before people's eyes. This sign of His greater than great love should lead people back to faith in Him, it should make them wonder and draw their attention to extraordinary phenomena which cannot be explained by human beings. And God has chosen those who give themselves to Him without restraint, who only endeavour to live according to His will and who accept everything from His hands as a gift of grace, be it joy or suffering, for they offer no resistance to His working. And thus the divine saviour takes complete possession of their heart, He descends to earth again and the human being, whose body is a cover for the divine saviour, now experiences the miracle of Jesus' death on the cross.... For he suffers as Jesus suffered on the cross.... he feels all torments, and even outwardly these torments are recognizable in order to allow people to gain the faith that is to be taken from them. God is extremely fond of people who accept the greatest suffering for the sake of their fellow human beings, but this love is God's gift in return, because the earthly child also shows Him the most ardent love, a love that endures everything for Him, for the divine saviour, that is also prepared to suffer in order to bring a sacrifice of atonement to its fellow human beings. Understandably, such a person capable of love will also lead an exemplary life, he will honour God in all things.... He will do everything that he considers to be the divine will. He will also observe the commandments given by man because he regards them as divine and wants to fulfil the divine will at all costs. And therefore he is also suitable as an instrument of God, and divine love now expresses itself through this. Divine love brings countless people together and they all experience a miracle that goes far beyond their imagination.... they see the suffering and death of Jesus repeated in a weak person who patiently accepts all suffering and is happy to be allowed to suffer for Jesus Christ. And so God awakens people's faith to new life through the love of that human child. He proves to them the truth of the traditions, He proves to them that Christ's death on the cross is irrefutable and thereby leads many people back to the true faith....
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