2167 Knowledge of those who want to serve God.... contradiction....
November 26, 1941: Book 31
Anyone who comes together on earth to work together for God will also have the same realization, i.e. he will know the truth and stand up for it. In order to be worthy of the truth, the will to do good must be strong in a person; he must want to live to please the lord and make every effort to ennoble his nature. Then he recognizes all untruth with the clearest certainty and separates himself from it; he accepts the truth with conviction and is completely imbued with it. He also has the gift of peeling out the core and recognizing it as divine wisdom, and disregards the outer shell. He finds the context of what is presented to him as truth and can therefore also be active as a teacher. For in order to be able to teach, a person must be completely penetrated, i.e. he must have absorbed the truth with his intellect and his heart. Only then will he be fully committed to spreading the truth among people. In order to be able to spread the truth, a person must be able to refute every objection. For where there is untruth, it will also be defended, and then every refutation must be carefully considered. And this requires great knowledge, which God imparts to those who want to fight for Him. And that is why God's fighters are often led into situations where they are supposed to serve each other by leading each other upwards through apparent contradiction. For this tempts them to speak against each other and yet can lead to a clarification of both sides' views if both people have the will to serve God. God is already preparing them for their earthly task. Every human being who offers himself to God for the redemption of souls from spiritual adversity is right for God. Consequently, the truth will fall on very differently prepared ground but will always remain the same truth, and the human being must acknowledge it himself, otherwise he will not be able to fulfil the task he has been given. To be taught and to be able to teach again is unspeakably blissful already on earth, but this happiness is rarely striven for. However, since it is urgent for the sake of humanity that the divine teaching, which is purest truth in itself, is imparted to people, God offers the truth in an extraordinary way to those who want to serve Him, and this is an influx of spiritual strength to the souls willing to receive it. The truth will break through, and even if this is a difficult beginning at first, for God's wisdom is strength, and the strength from God penetrates, and thus the teachers will always have the same knowledge and the same truth and will now be able to pass it on to their fellow human beings, for God allows the adversity of the time to have an extraordinary effect so that it will be made easy for His own to find the path to Him, into the eternal home....
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