2769 Request for power.... grace - prayer....
June 9, 1943: Book 34/35/36
Request strength from Me for your earthly path of life.... Know that you are weak creatures without this strength and that you walk through earthly life without will or with wrong will if you rely on yourselves and don't believe that you need My help. And therefore I call out to you: Do not stop requesting the strength you lack in prayer so that I can help you. I could certainly let this strength flow to you unbidden in order to make earthly life easy for you, but then you would only live it for your physical comfort, you would take and enjoy what the world offers you and completely disregard your spiritual development. However, this would not correspond to My wisdom and My love, for earthly life would then not be able to produce any creatures similar to Me. You would forever remain on the same level, for the will for the world would eliminate all spiritual endeavour and this process of development would have to continue in the beyond under extremely difficult conditions. And My love for you wants to prevent this. It therefore constantly admonishes you as long as you still walk on earth. Through My word I call to you time and again: By utilizing My grace, My means of help, try to place yourselves into a state on earth already which will bring you close to Me, which will secure My emanation of strength for you.... call upon Me so that I can stand by you if you need help; and you will always be in need of My support.... Earthly life is a constant battle if it is to help you reach spiritual maturity.... Earthly life is a battle or a service in love.... If you do the latter, then you will not have to fight so hard, because then you will fulfil your purpose in life on earth.... you are preparing yourselves for eternity by serving in love. However, if you neglect to serve in love, you will have to develop yourselves upwards through suffering and hardship, through struggles of all kinds, you will have to recognize your own weakness in order to find Me in prayer.... You cannot mature without Me, you absolutely have to establish the bond with Me in order to be able to receive the strength from Me which enables you to mature. And you must constantly work on yourselves, you must strive to fulfil My will and thereby shape your soul into My image.... You must be humble, merciful, gentle and patient if you want to become like Me, draw close to Me and receive My emanation of love. And in order to be able to accomplish this work on yourselves you must call upon Me for help.... I always stand on the path with My gift of grace and offer it to you, yet you must reach out for it, you must request and thankfully desire and receive My gift of grace, then you will powerfully cover your earthly path of life and this path will lead you upwards.... to Me and to your eternal home, where every battle will come to an end, where through serving with love My living creations will revel in supreme bliss because they are now most intimately united with Me and My emanation of love will always and forever make them happy....
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