
2166 God's word - doctrine of love.... following Jesus....

November 25, 1941: Book 31

If you scrutinize the teachings that are given to you from above, always apply the standard to what was imparted to you through scripture and the word about the lord's walk on earth. He preached love and lived accordingly. And what you are commanded from above is likewise recognizable as God's word if it preaches love and impels people to follow Jesus. What is offered to you from above is only the knowledge of things which testify to God's infinite love, His wisdom and His omnipotence. This knowledge should prompt you humans to strive for perfection, it should guide you to faith and teach you to love God, for only through love will you reach the highest goal, the union with God. Everything that contributes towards the growth of love in you is from God, consequently the revelations received by a person who wants to serve God with love must also be of divine origin, for he is only driven by love for God and his will is inclined towards Him. But what God makes his own is no longer subject to the power of God's adversary, unless worldly interests take him captive again. Then he too is in danger of succumbing to the temptations of the world. But then God resists the forces that want to cover the earthly child with spiritual knowledge. But He also resists the opposing forces that try to influence man's thinking in such a way that he writes down things that do not correspond to His will. For God does not let those fall who have only become weak, but He helps them to regain their strength and to submit their will to God. God gives what He deems necessary, even if it seems incomprehensible to people.... But He will also clarify the incomprehensible when the time is right. The proclamations should lead to faith and love, and it will be easy for the willing person to become faithful and loving if he seriously endeavours to obey the divine word.... He will recognize that it is the same word which Jesus proclaimed to people on earth and he will feel urged to live accordingly for the sake of the promises which seem more valuable to him than earthly possessions. And so he strives for spiritual good. But God rewards the zeal of the one who endeavours to live to please Him. And He gives him clarity of spirit, He is his spiritual and physical guide during his earthly life and He gives him the fullest realization of his actual destiny....


Translated by Doris Boekers