2831 Mission of those who want to serve God.... spreading the truth....

July 30, 1943: Book 37

It is an extremely difficult mission to lead people who have fallen away from God back onto the right path.... to the path of knowledge that leads to God. It is a mission that requires extreme patience and the greatest love and perseverance, which is why only very few people make themselves available for such a task. But these few work for the kingdom of God and will also be blessed as long as they devote themselves to this work. The lack of God-trained strength has the effect that people rarely only walk in truth, and this in turn results in them not valuing their earthly life highly enough in order to utilize it accordingly for their souls. If they are offered the pure truth, if they understand the human being's purpose and goal on earth, then they will also live their life accordingly if they are not completely opposed to God and believe that they can remain without any knowledge. Anyone who does not recognize God will also not accept any teachings and will hardly be led onto the right path.... However, anyone who does not completely resist God can come to recognize the truth offered to him as soon as it is conveyed to him in love and patience. The truth speaks for itself, the truth carries the strength within itself, and everything would appear easily comprehensible and acceptable to people if they had not previously been offered error, which would have clouded their vision and weakened their will. And yet, error has to be displaced by truth, and this is the mission of those on earth who want to serve God, who themselves know the truth and therefore also recognize the consequences of walking in error. They must be constantly active in passing on the truth that they themselves receive from God for this very mission. Most of the time they will encounter resistance, they will experience more rejection than approval and yet they must not be discouraged by this. Love for the erring souls must motivate them to take care of them again and again and to instruct them in the truth. For at the same time as the earthly labourer, the lord's spiritual labourers are also active, who try to intervene in the train of thought of erring people and likewise endeavour to change their thinking. Every support on earth through consciously spiritually directed conversations is gratefully accepted by the teaching beings in the beyond, as it is often the cause for reflection which gives them the opportunity to exert their influence on people's thinking. And therefore the willingness of an earthly human being to contribute towards spreading the truth from God will always be blessed by God, after all, it is a matter of bringing help to those who are without contact with God, who are so distant from Him that they are unable to recognize Him and who therefore walk along in the darkest spiritual night. Even if the endeavours on earth have little success, they often still have an effect in the beyond and can then be the beginning of a change of heart, the beginning of his ascent upwards. The divine word, the pure truth, which is offered to a person in love, has an effect as a force, if only it is not openly resisted. And this power has a lasting effect as soon as a person mentally takes a stand on the truth, even if it takes a long time. This is why we cannot work hard enough to spread the divine teaching, for there is much error among humanity and therefore also spiritual need, which requires help. And no labourer in the vineyard of the lord should allow himself to be discouraged by the rejection, mockery or displeasure of those to whom he wants to offer the truth. His zeal will not be in vain, and the souls will thank him one day that his love has taken care of them.... The endeavour to guide erring souls into truth will not be abandoned on the part of the beings of light, even if they constantly resist.... because everything that is full of light and stands in truth is constantly active for the salvation of erring souls....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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