2121 Incarnation of Christ....
October 18, 1941: Book 30
The most enormous and seemingly unsolvable problem is the incarnation of Christ. People who have no faith, i.e. who do not strive spiritually, will not deal with this problem. It does not affect them because they do not recognize Christ and His work of redemption. The fact that God Himself descended to humanity seems incomprehensible and impossible to them because they have not yet penetrated the essence of the eternal deity due to their lack of faith. The problem cannot even be approximately explained to these people, for in order to grasp the spiritual, spiritual research must be carried out, and one spiritual explanation can only make the other understandable.... The human being as such is a creature which only animates the earth, it is spiritual in an external form, it is a being which has embodied itself in a shell which was shaped by God's will into precisely this human form. God's will therefore allowed the external form to come into being again through processes that are based on the divine law of nature. In accordance with God's will, people act in order to create a new external form, and God animates this external form with the essence, with the soul, and only then is the human being a living creature. The soul of the human being harbours a spark of the divine spirit of love within itself again, but this cannot express itself in every human being if the soul of this person does not bring it to awaken. For the spirit rests inactive in the human being for as long as the soul allows it to slumber.... It can only awaken when the soul is lovingly active. But once the spark of the spirit has awakened in the human being, it pushes incessantly towards the spirit of which it is.... it demands to return to the spiritual realm.... to God, for it is power, it is spirit from the spirit of God.... But as long as he still has to dwell in the human envelope he tries to connect with the spiritual outside himself and to increase himself by incessantly absorbing spiritual substances and thereby increasing the influx of the divine emanation of love. However, this is only possible if the soul has decided to be active in love, for love gives the spirit freedom and it now utilizes this to unite with spiritual strength. But spiritual power is God; therefore the outer form, the human body, can become the abode of divine power to an unimaginable extent when its soul has formed itself to love and thereby supports the work of the spirit. He can receive God within himself, thus be completely permeated by the spirit of God, and this is the highest that man can achieve on earth by virtue of his will. The man Jesus possessed such a powerful will....
His strength of will and His immense love united, and so His soul released the spirit in Himself. The man Jesus only did what love commanded Him to do and He resisted all unkindness. Consequently, the divine spark of the spirit within Him became active and He united with the spirit outside Himself.... The divine stream of love flowed inexorably towards Him, the power from God.... His spirit.... filled Him and since His life was an uninterrupted labour of love, He united Himself ever more intimately with God, Who is present in every work of love. The divine work of the spirit was His wisdom and His power, which were expressed in His teaching and the miracles He worked. The spirit of God, who was in Him in all fullness, guided all His steps, His deeds and His words.... Jesus was the man who had become love.... But love is God.... So the man Jesus had become perfect, just as His father in heaven is perfect. The outer form had become the receptacle of divine love itself; the spark of the spirit had blazed up into a flame that could no longer be extinguished. And now the activity of the man Jesus could only be everlasting love, for a human being who is in intimate union (with God) with divine love itself constantly receives love and gives love from.... Jesus was human and harboured the eternal divinity in His human body.... Or else God embodied Himself in a human being.... He descended to earth and chose an external form for Himself which willingly received the spirit of love within itself, i.e. which caused the divine spiritual spark to awaken through love and thus granted God, as love Itself, admittance. And God had known since eternity about the strong will and the immense love of this human being, and this motivated Him to choose him as the saviour for humanity, for the act of salvation had to be accomplished by a human being whose love took all suffering upon itself, a human being who had shaped himself into perfection through his great love, who was God and human being in one.... The suffering and agony of the death on the cross was endured by the man Jesus for humanity.... But God Himself embodied Himself in this man.... (eternal) divine love filled Him and took up residence in Him in order to work through Him for the whole of humanity....
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