2320 Pure truth.... deviations.... disfigurement....
May 2, 1942: Book 32
Anyone who desires to drink can draw from the fountain of truth. God will not deny the drink to anyone who is thirsty, and so anyone who desires it will be allowed to receive the truth. But God's wisdom also foresees in which way the received spiritual knowledge, which is drawn from the source of truth, is utilized, and this determines Him to give this truth sometimes veiled so that it is not misused, i.e. so that it does not weaken the human will, which would then fail, i.e. become inactive where a certain goal is to be achieved. Thus a person can receive knowledge which completely corresponds to the truth and yet is not yet entirely comprehensible to himself, because complete clarity about it would make him act differently than would be beneficial for his higher development. Nevertheless, the human being is in the truth. It is just that his attention is focussed on earthly effects, whereas spiritual development alone is decisive. If the human being has now received knowledge through God's direct instruction then this knowledge can be believed insofar as it was merely conveyed to earth in order to enlighten people, that is, to introduce them to the knowledge. Then the knowledge is offered in such a way that it gives unveiled information about important questions and problems which God wants to answer for people. And the recipient will never accept an unclear instruction, for it is God's will that there should be light in the human being's soul. Consequently, only the person who has a clear intellectual thought will be destined to receive the truth again, who therefore does not mentally distort the divine instructions or pass them on unclearly. In some cases differences of opinion will arise and then the one who has received the knowledge directly should defend it, for as soon as spiritual knowledge has passed into human possession it is no longer safe from defacement, i.e. from being changed by human will. And thus pure truth can no longer be inherent in a work where human hands were involved in its dissemination. For it is not always enlightened people who have been entrusted with such a work and it is therefore nothing unusual that discrepancies can be found, i.e. small deviations in the text or form of what is made accessible to humanity as divine revelation. However, it is irrelevant as long as a completely different meaning does not emerge. Yet God watches over the truth and also gives the sincere seeker and truth-desiring human being the understanding to recognize what does not correspond to the pure truth. For God Himself is the truth, consequently nothing can emanate from Him which contradicts the truth, only the human being can understand something differently because his power of realization is still deficient....
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