1000 |
Charity motif....
Jul 9, 1939 |
138 |
1001 |
Subordinating the will.... insight into the home of the spirit....
Jul 9, 1939 |
80 |
1002 |
Unbelief reason for world events.... grace period.... frame....
Jul 11, 1939 |
613 |
1003 |
Admonition to exercise self-control.... Gentleness - Peacefulness....
Jul 12, 1939 |
1272 |
1004 |
"Behold, I am with you always...."
Jul 13, 1939 |
273 |
1005 |
Knowledge from God endures for all eternity.... participation of souls in teaching....
Jul 13, 1939 |
83 |
1006 |
The soul chooses its own whereabouts....
Jul 14, 1939 |
79 |
1007 |
Proof of what man believes....
Jul 15, 1939 |
119 |
1008 |
Saturn ....
Jul 16, 1939 |
593 |
1009 |
Information of the teaching spirit beings from higher light beings necessary....
Jul 17, 1939 |
95 |
1010 |
Changes in creation.... disasters needed....
Jul 18, 1939 |
137 |
1011 |
Inventions.... forces of nature.... faith....
Jul 19, 1939 |
175 |
1012 |
Jul 20, 1939 |
169 |
1013 |
Jul 21, 1939 |
155 |
1014 |
Jul 21, 1939 |
162 |
1015 |
Jul 22, 1939 |
150 |
1016 |
Faith and love are the condition for realization and knowledge....
Jul 22, 1939 |
79 |
1017 |
World conflagration.... prophecies....
Jul 22, 1939 |
204 |
1018 |
Twitching lightning.... distress and gloom.... light morning....
Jul 23, 1939 |
87 |
1019 |
Creature.... work of creation.... man....
Jul 23, 1939 |
90 |
1020 |
Love.... grace.... word.... comforting words of the father....
Jul 23, 1939 |
84 |
1021 |
Togetherness in love.... Easy earthly path....
Jul 24, 1939 |
836 |
1022 |
Defender of the faith.... power of faith....
Jul 24, 1939 |
77 |
1023 |
What is grace....
Jul 25, 1939 |
136 |
1024 |
Miracles of faith and the power of prayer....
Jul 25, 1939 |
184 |
1025 |
Jesus' suffering on the cross....
Jul 26, 1939 |
89 |
1026 |
Wrong thinking.... rejection without knowledge of the matter....
Jul 26, 1939 |
86 |
1027 |
Monastic life?.... (Concerning a previous conversation)
Jul 29, 1939 |
527 |
1028 |
Monastic life?....
Jul 29, 1939 |
547 |
1029 |
'Vengeance is Mine....' Revenge....
Jul 29, 1939 |
755 |
1030 |
Childlike relationship.... form prayer.... language of the heart....
Jul 30, 1939 |
85 |
1031 |
Call of God.... earthly activity....
Jul 30, 1939 |
78 |
1032 |
Compassion.... Sick and weak people....
Jul 31, 1939 |
1469 |
1033 |
Spiritual unity of all works of creation.... visible....
Aug 1, 1939 |
84 |
1034 |
Immortality of the soul.... granting of grace....
Aug 1, 1939 |
80 |
1035 |
Defeating resistance - reducing matter....
Aug 2, 1939 |
84 |
1036 |
Living and dead faith....
Aug 3, 1939 |
91 |
1037 |
"No one can serve two masters...."
Aug 5, 1939 |
90 |
1038 |
Father's words.... praying in spirit and in truth.... tradition.... piety.... faith....
Aug 5, 1939 |
82 |
1039 |
Conveying the divine word.... power of the word....
Aug 6, 1939 |
84 |
1040 |
Assistance through spiritual power.... the saviour goes through all countries....
Aug 7, 1939 |
88 |
1041 |
Circle of the knowing under control.... activity of the mind....
Aug 8, 1939 |
80 |
1042 |
Spiritual guides.... why calling for help is necessary....
Aug 8, 1939 |
91 |
1043 |
Benefit of the light from above.... spiritual poverty.... truth....
Aug 8, 1939 |
78 |
1044 |
Protection of the saviour.... separation from the world.... resistance....
Aug 9, 1939 |
73 |
1045 |
Fight against matter in the hereafter.... help from above....
Aug 9, 1939 |
80 |
1046 |
Believers secular researchers.... providences of God....
Aug 10, 1939 |
84 |
1047 |
The messages are given in a specified order.... Teaching....
Aug 10, 1939 |
862 |
1048 |
Agony of the naked souls.... celebrations on earth....
Aug 11, 1939 |
147 |
1049 |
Activity in the afterlife.... ray of light....
Aug 11, 1939 |
81 |
1050 |
The eternal deity....
Aug 12, 1939 |
77 |
1051 |
The eternal deity....
Aug 12, 1939 |
73 |
1052 |
Total dedication.... audible voice....
Aug 12, 1939 |
81 |
1053 |
God of love.... not God of vengeance and wrath....
Aug 13, 1939 |
83 |
1054 |
Proclaiming the divine will.... direct and indirect voice....
Aug 13, 1939 |
77 |
1055 |
Prediction of big events....
Aug 13, 1939 |
156 |
1056 |
Putting a stop to all attempts directed against the work....
Aug 14, 1939 |
77 |
1057 |
Reason for receiving.... (rejecting sister?)
Aug 15, 1939 |
87 |
1058 |
Essence of matter....
Aug 16, 1939 |
84 |
1059 |
Aug 17, 1939 |
94 |
1060 |
Lies and truth.... world of appearances....
Aug 17, 1939 |
81 |
1061 |
Gathering spiritual goods.... building.... foundation walls....
Aug 18, 1939 |
83 |
1063 |
Outpouring of the Holy Spirit....
Aug 20, 1939 |
118 |
1064 |
Sin against the Holy Spirit....
Aug 20, 1939 |
73 |
1065 |
Negative attitude.... desert.... seed....
Aug 21, 1939 |
70 |
1066 |
Atheism.... Divine intervention....
Aug 22, 1939 |
561 |
1067 |
Entering the afterlife.... influence of the beings of light....
Aug 23, 1939 |
73 |
1068 |
Arrogance.... knowledge.... faith....
Aug 24, 1939 |
70 |
1069 |
Influx of spiritual power.... maturity....
Aug 24, 1939 |
67 |
1070 |
Purpose of the proclamations.... teachers in the afterlife....
Aug 25, 1939 |
65 |
1071 |
Lawfulness in nature.... will that has become form....
Aug 26, 1939 |
67 |
1072 |
Question - answer.... mental activity spiritual work....
Aug 26, 1939 |
68 |
1073 |
Rejecting divine grace.... easy way of life....
Aug 27, 1939 |
69 |
1074 |
Coming suffering.... purpose.... help....
Aug 28, 1939 |
67 |
1075 |
Dwelling of divinity in the heart.... tools....
Aug 29, 1939 |
84 |
1076 |
Father's heritage.... kingdom of God.... childship to God....
Aug 30, 1939 |
72 |
1077 |
The Saviour's visible presence.... Degree of love....
Aug 31, 1939 |
546 |
1078 |
Prayer in times of need in spirit and in truth....
Sep 1, 1939 |
69 |
1079 |
Submission of the will.... awakening of the spirit of God....
Sep 2, 1939 |
72 |
1080 |
The power of divine love....
Sep 3, 1939 |
73 |
1081 |
Cloud formation in the sky.... Christ's suffering and death....
Sep 4, 1939 |
982 |
1082 |
Fulfilment of prayer.... Conditions....
Sep 5, 1939 |
584 |
1083 |
Places of worship....
Sep 5, 1939 |
570 |
1084 |
Forecast of events....
Sep 6, 1939 |
182 |
1085 |
Word of God....
Sep 7, 1939 |
87 |
1086 |
Purpose of the work.... Numerical prediction.... Transmission of inconceivable significance....
Sep 8, 1939 |
329 |
1087 |
Entering into the will of God.... (after reading the catholic book about will)
Sep 9, 1939 |
93 |
1088 |
Necessity of divine intervention....
Sep 10, 1939 |
74 |
1089 |
The new spiritual kingdom.... overthrow of earthly power....
Sep 11, 1939 |
67 |
1090 |
Eternal home.... deeds on earth.... activity of love....
Sep 12, 1939 |
68 |
1091 |
Outer behaviour of the human being.... inner life....
Sep 13, 1939 |
66 |
1092 |
Countervailing powers uninvolved in natural events....
Sep 14, 1939 |
66 |
1093 |
Creation.... natural disasters.... reference....
Sep 15, 1939 |
63 |
1094 |
Advantage of contact from earth to the beyond....
Sep 15, 1939 |
291 |
1095 |
Spiritual disintegration.... Raging of the elements.... Fertile ground....
Sep 16, 1939 |
271 |
1096 |
The power of evil....
Sep 17, 1939 |
63 |
1097 |
Forces of the earth's interior.... laws of nature.... will of man....
Sep 18, 1939 |
68 |
1098 |
Most important task of being on earth....
Sep 19, 1939 |
121 |
1099 |
Formation of the people's soul by otherworldly beings....
Sep 20, 1939 |
70 |
1100 |
Primal relationship.... state of happiness in the hereafter....
Sep 20, 1939 |
66 |
1101 |
The concept of time and space in the hereafter....
Sep 21, 1939 |
76 |
1102 |
Teaching the erring.... blessing of suffering.... surrender....
Sep 21, 1939 |
76 |
1103 |
Deposing the earthly power....
Sep 21, 1939 |
1008 |
1104 |
Power of evil.... release of the spirit.... redemption....
Sep 22, 1939 |
60 |
1105 |
Useless activity.... worldly problems....
Sep 22, 1939 |
65 |
1106 |
The thorny path to the eternal home....
Sep 22, 1939 |
124 |
1107 |
New spiritual kingdom.... Prophet.... New human race....
Sep 23, 1939 |
571 |
1108 |
Effect of the spiritual current on the beings around us....
Sep 23, 1939 |
72 |
1109 |
Public declaration of spiritual endeavour....
Sep 23, 1939 |
63 |
1110 |
The power of the spirit....
Sep 24, 1939 |
67 |
1111 |
Reception capability.... Receptivity....
Sep 24, 1939 |
75 |
1112 |
No event is futile.... errant views.... spiritual knowledge....
Sep 24, 1939 |
73 |
1113 |
Purification through the fire of love.... realm of peace on earth....
Sep 25, 1939 |
67 |
1114 |
The inner voice.... voice of the conscience.... audible voice....
Sep 25, 1939 |
129 |
1115 |
Love of God.... divine protection.... storms....
Sep 25, 1939 |
132 |
1116 |
Life in the divine will.... inner voice....
Sep 26, 1939 |
130 |
1117 |
Father's words.... reference to easy receiving and listening....
Sep 26, 1939 |
102 |
1118 |
The divine word....
Sep 27, 1939 |
83 |
1119 |
Diversity of creations....
Sep 27, 1939 |
151 |
1120 |
Research work.... stars.... Venus....
Sep 28, 1939 |
129 |
1121 |
Work of the spirit.... put to the test....
Sep 28, 1939 |
71 |
1122 |
(continuation of no. 1121) Prerequisite....
Sep 28, 1939 |
62 |
1123 |
Beings bearers of divine power.... central stations of the stars....
Sep 29, 1939 |
68 |
1124 |
Prayer.... power of the spirit....
Oct 2, 1939 |
69 |
1125 |
Spirit and strength.... prayer in spirit and in truth....
Oct 4, 1939 |
70 |
1126 |
Forecast.... natural events.... devastating disease....
Oct 4, 1939 |
70 |
1127 |
Renunciation in favour of others.... charity....
Oct 5, 1939 |
124 |
1128 |
Mediation of the divine word.... spiritual work....
Oct 6, 1939 |
62 |
1129 |
Thinking ability and understanding of the world.... feeling of the heart....
Oct 8, 1939 |
68 |
1130 |
Apparent cruelty.... destroy all possessions....
Oct 8, 1939 |
119 |
1131 |
Humility of spirit.... arrogance....
Oct 9, 1939 |
72 |
1132 |
"Remember the poor in spirit...."
Oct 10, 1939 |
63 |
1133 |
Support for the soul.... without such heavy wrestling....
Oct 11, 1939 |
71 |
1134 |
Faith is the first condition for truth....
Oct 12, 1939 |
536 |
1135 |
Unused life on earth....
Oct 13, 1939 |
69 |
1136 |
Spiritual knowledge (résumé).... task of the teaching beings....
Oct 14, 1939 |
75 |
1137 |
Eternal damnation.... non-being - being unredeemed....
Oct 15, 1939 |
121 |
1138 |
Union with God....
Oct 15, 1939 |
197 |
1139 |
Pioneer.... reference to events.... enlightened....
Oct 16, 1939 |
128 |
1140 |
Proximity of the divine lord.... coming in the clouds of heaven....
Oct 18, 1939 |
70 |
1141 |
Path to truth.... spiritual influence.... thought - radiance....
Oct 19, 1939 |
63 |
1142 |
Sun of the Spirit.... labourer in the vineyard....
Oct 19, 1939 |
64 |
1143 |
The power of love....
Oct 20, 1939 |
68 |
1144 |
The struggle of good and evil forces for souls.... support from people....
Oct 21, 1939 |
78 |
1145 |
Helpless state in the afterlife.... help from other beings....
Oct 23, 1939 |
66 |
1146 |
Slowing down the work for God....
Oct 23, 1939 |
66 |
1147 |
Call from on high....
Oct 24, 1939 |
62 |
1148 |
Obeying the commandments in a state of compulsion....
Oct 25, 1939 |
71 |
1149 |
Union with God....
Oct 26, 1939 |
71 |
1150 |
Mind and heart thinking.... teaching activity.... hypnosis....
Oct 28, 1939 |
65 |
1151 |
Working for the lord....
Oct 28, 1939 |
72 |
1152 |
Self-conceit.... self-realization....
Oct 29, 1939 |
70 |
1153 |
Natural phenomena.... Temperature.... Star.... Predictions....
Oct 30, 1939 |
1093 |
1154 |
Eternal truth.... word of God....
Oct 31, 1939 |
61 |
1155 |
Nov 1, 1939 |
67 |
1156 |
Boundary stone.... spiritual possession.... spiritual wealth....
Nov 2, 1939 |
115 |
1157 |
Constant battle against evil.... work of the spirit and purpose....
Nov 3, 1939 |
68 |
1158 |
Eternal bliss.... activity, not rest....
Nov 4, 1939 |
60 |
1159 |
Broadcasts from heaven.... preconditions....
Nov 4, 1939 |
64 |
1160 |
Work of the Spirit.... power from God....
Nov 5, 1939 |
62 |
1161 |
Happenings.... frenzy of joy.... tragedy....
Nov 5, 1939 |
63 |
1162 |
Materialists.... transience of earthly possessions....
Nov 6, 1939 |
62 |
1163 |
Flight of the spirit.... spheres of the spirit.... home....
Nov 6, 1939 |
63 |
1164 |
Divine guidance....
Nov 7, 1939 |
63 |
1165 |
Erroneous view of overzealous servants.... God's word....
Nov 7, 1939 |
61 |
1166 |
Adversary.... (response to warning from clergy)
Nov 8, 1939 |
72 |
1167 |
Nov 8, 1939 |
66 |
1168 |
Divine blessing.... striving for higher development of the soul....
Nov 9, 1939 |
72 |
1353 |
Desire for light.... knowledge.... truth....
Mar 25, 1940 |
88 |
1354 |
Subordination of the will.... liberation of the spirit....
Mar 26, 1940 |
99 |
1355 |
Activity of the spiritual.... teachings.... light....
Mar 27, 1940 |
61 |
1356 |
False whispers.... mindfulness....
Mar 27, 1940 |
58 |
1357 |
Teaching.... protection against erroneous teachings.... spirit of God....
Mar 27, 1940 |
58 |
1358 |
Work of redemption.... spiritual rebirth....
Mar 28, 1940 |
58 |
1359 |
Demands.... following Jesus.... forgiveness of sins....
Mar 28, 1940 |
62 |
1360 |
Charity.... earthly and spiritual need....
Mar 29, 1940 |
115 |
1361 |
Aversion to spiritual food.... obstacle....
Mar 29, 1940 |
75 |
1362 |
Jesus' death on the cross....
Mar 30, 1940 |
71 |
1363 |
God denier....
Mar 31, 1940 |
80 |
1364 |
Free decision between matter and spirit....
Mar 31, 1940 |
68 |
1365 |
Abuse of free will.... apostasy of the spiritual from God....
Apr 1, 1940 |
65 |
1366 |
God's programmes.... God's authorisations.... satan's work....
Apr 1, 1940 |
92 |
1367 |
Dispositions.... moral theory.... legal concept....
Apr 2, 1940 |
61 |
1368 |
"And lead us not into temptation...." our father....
Apr 2, 1940 |
107 |
1369 |
Thess. 2, 13.... change of the last sentence.... talk about it....
Apr 3, 1940 |
77 |
1370 |
Demonic activity.... self-determination.... education station....
Apr 4, 1940 |
118 |
1371 |
Participation of the otherworldly beings in fate....
Apr 4, 1940 |
74 |
1372 |
Earthly pleasures of the God-minded person....
Apr 5, 1940 |
74 |
1373 |
Spiritual and physical nourishment....
Apr 7, 1940 |
67 |
1374 |
Right Ways.... roman catholic....
Apr 7, 1940 |
112 |
1375 |
Human additions.... Attendance at church....
Apr 8, 1940 |
798 |
1376 |
Ceremonies.... Childship to God....
Apr 8, 1940 |
601 |
1377 |
Ceremonies.... Childship to God....
Apr 9, 1940 |
587 |
1378 |
Consolations.... Gestapo
Apr 9, 1940 |
75 |
1379 |
Apr 10, 1940 |
78 |
1380 |
Unbearable hardship....
Apr 10, 1940 |
201 |
1381 |
Cast all your cares upon the lord....
Apr 11, 1940 |
69 |
1382 |
The will of man is valued, not the deed.... soul work....
Apr 12, 1940 |
106 |
1383 |
Concept of the supernatural....
Apr 16, 1940 |
79 |
1384 |
Desire of the divine spirit.... love.... light and wisdom....
Apr 17, 1940 |
69 |
1385 |
Stage of free will of highest importance....
Apr 20, 1940 |
70 |
1386 |
Dispensations of providence are divine will.... Guarantee for highest maturity....
Apr 20, 1940 |
534 |
1387 |
Entrance to eternity.... many stages.... kingdom of light - darkness....
Apr 21, 1940 |
69 |
1388 |
New world view.... foundation wall.... foundation....
Apr 22, 1940 |
118 |
1389 |
Understanding the spiritual teaching.... blessings of spiritual work.... earthly needs....
Apr 24, 1940 |
67 |
1390 |
Knowledge of the spiritual necessary.... consciously working towards perfection....
Apr 24, 1940 |
73 |
1391 |
Secret of the easy life on earth....
Apr 25, 1940 |
71 |
1392 |
Grace of embodiment as a human being....
Apr 25, 1940 |
66 |
1393 |
Lack of trust in God.... weakness of faith....
Apr 26, 1940 |
120 |
1394 |
Final destiny create and revive.... union with God....
Apr 27, 1940 |
127 |
1395 |
Sounding word.... soundboard.... instrument....
Apr 27, 1940 |
71 |
1396 |
Insight into the realm beyond.... spiritual seeing and reproducing....
Apr 28, 1940 |
72 |
1397 |
Deep fatherly love.... care for the lukewarm.... medium....
Apr 28, 1940 |
78 |
1398 |
Catastrophe.... Prediction....
Apr 28, 1940 |
770 |
1399 |
God's love and mercy for the souls of darkness....
Apr 29, 1940 |
125 |
1400 |
Mutual help from beings in the beyond for the care of misguided souls.... Suffering as aid....
Apr 29, 1940 |
526 |
1401 |
Mutual help from beings in the beyond for the care of misguided souls.... Suffering as aid....
Apr 30, 1940 |
538 |
1402 |
Mourning for the departing....
Apr 30, 1940 |
217 |
1403 |
The will bound by the adversary....
May 1, 1940 |
69 |
1404 |
Ignorance of the work of the Holy Spirit....
May 1, 1940 |
73 |
1405 |
Receiving the divine word of unusual grace....
May 2, 1940 |
67 |
1406 |
Lack of humility.... erroneous thinking....
May 2, 1940 |
68 |
1407 |
Work of destruction by human hands....
May 3, 1940 |
77 |
1408 |
Premature destruction.... release of the spiritual....
May 3, 1940 |
137 |
1409 |
Train of thought unawakened.... and organized thoughts....
May 6, 1940 |
69 |
1410 |
Rebellion against divine will cause of the bound state....
May 7, 1940 |
71 |
1411 |
Cult.... communities.... ?
May 9, 1940 |
145 |
1412 |
World events cause as well as means to remedy the spiritual distress....
May 10, 1940 |
125 |
1413 |
God is love.... divine care in earthly life....
May 11, 1940 |
71 |
1414 |
Purification process....
May 11, 1940 |
122 |
1415 |
Divine exhortation.... Pentecost....
May 12, 1940 |
126 |
1416 |
Outpouring of the Holy Spirit.... Joh. 14, 13-26.... pentecost....
May 12, 1940 |
123 |
1417 |
Mental activity.... Mind.... Images....
May 13, 1940 |
595 |
1418 |
Divine intervention.... Prediction....
May 14, 1940 |
575 |
1419 |
Power of the Holy Spirit.... radiance of divine love....
May 15, 1940 |
69 |
1420 |
New generation.... spiritual age....
May 15, 1940 |
74 |
1421 |
Humility.... warriors of God.... ways of God.... reapers....
May 16, 1940 |
69 |
1422 |
Not one stone will be left unturned.... wrong will....
May 17, 1940 |
71 |
1423 |
Right thinking.... reducing the distance from God....
May 18, 1940 |
81 |
1424 |
Spiritual connections dependent on the will of man....
May 18, 1940 |
72 |
1425 |
Hardened hearts....
May 19, 1940 |
79 |
1426 |
The adversary's endeavour to disrupt spiritual connections....
May 19, 1940 |
71 |
1427 |
Fulfilment of duty.... voluntary or compulsory....
May 20, 1940 |
84 |
1428 |
Utilizing the spiritual currents.... repetitions....
May 20, 1940 |
67 |
1429 |
The will to redeem.... affliction of the underworld....
May 21, 1940 |
76 |
1430 |
Christ advocate.... forgiveness of sins.... affirming the work of salvation....
May 22, 1940 |
119 |
1431 |
Serve or fight....
May 22, 1940 |
73 |
1432 |
Wanting-to-serve-God.... beautiful task....
May 23, 1940 |
76 |
1433 |
The essential in the solid form.... material....
May 23, 1940 |
140 |
1434 |
"And the world will be redeemed from all sin...."
May 24, 1940 |
119 |
1435 |
Lack of strength.... prayer.... sigh of relief....
May 25, 1940 |
69 |
1436 |
World events.... Natural events....
May 25, 1940 |
793 |
1437 |
Work of the beings of light before the intervention of God....
May 26, 1940 |
153 |
1438 |
Mystery of the incarnation.... word of God.... divine saviour....
May 27, 1940 |
86 |
1439 |
Various expressions of the will to live....
May 27, 1940 |
72 |
1440 |
Apostasy from God.... the battle of light against darkness....
May 28, 1940 |
68 |
1441 |
Sin.... atonement.... creation.... will.... redemption....
May 29, 1940 |
83 |
1442 |
Living faith and trust in God....
May 29, 1940 |
114 |
1443 |
Connecting the soul with the spiritual....
May 30, 1940 |
78 |
1444 |
Untruth obstacle to reception....
May 29, 1940 |
56 |
1445 |
Lessening of the desire for truth prevents recording....
May 31, 1940 |
70 |
1446 |
State of mind.... godlessness....
May 31, 1940 |
109 |
1447 |
Original sin.... becoming free....
Jun 1, 1940 |
113 |
1448 |
Hour of the visitation....
Jun 1, 1940 |
59 |
1449 |
Living beings.... light and power receiver....
Jun 2, 1940 |
81 |
1450 |
Redirecting and transmitting the power from God....
Jun 2, 1940 |
76 |
1451 |
Need for prayer and strength.... prayer proof of faith....
Jun 3, 1940 |
69 |
1452 |
A sure sign of the desire for truth....
Jun 3, 1940 |
81 |
1453 |
Effects of the works of love.... increased power....
Jun 4, 1940 |
104 |
1454 |
Love indispensable for spiritual wealth....
Jun 5, 1940 |
64 |
1455 |
Humility.... Grace....
Jun 5, 1940 |
66 |
1456 |
Omnipotence of divine love.... World events....
Jun 6, 1940 |
594 |
1457 |
Jun 6, 1940 |
123 |
1458 |
Cloudless sky....effect of the sun....
Jun 7, 1940 |
112 |
1459 |
Love between one person and another....
Jun 7, 1940 |
531 |
1460 |
Battle of the beings of light for souls that are too weak....
Jun 8, 1940 |
66 |
1461 |
Activity of the will....
Jun 8, 1940 |
64 |
1462 |
Divine gift proof of love.... entering into the will of God....
Jun 9, 1940 |
90 |
1463 |
Arrogance.... conscious request for divine power....
Jun 9, 1940 |
64 |
1464 |
The spirit of heartlessness.... Divine intervention....
Jun 9, 1940 |
807 |
1465 |
Resilience.... weakening of the will of the adversary....
Jun 10, 1940 |
76 |
1466 |
Guilty parties.... pleasure in the raging of the nations.... prediction....
Jun 10, 1940 |
87 |
1467 |
Spreading the word of God.... soul is imperfect....
Jun 11, 1940 |
68 |
1468 |
Bondage of the soul.... Intercession in love helps to redeem....
Jun 12, 1940 |
286 |
1469 |
Perfect spiritual order.... Disorder....
Jun 13, 1940 |
273 |
1470 |
Awakening faith.... Deep unshakable faith....
Jun 13, 1940 |
271 |
1471 |
The Doctrine of Christ.... Inwardness.... Loosening - Binding....
Jun 14, 1940 |
288 |
1472 |
Exploring the God Being God's Will.... Seek and ye shall find....
Jun 15, 1940 |
541 |
1473 |
The raging elements of nature....
Jun 15, 1940 |
552 |
1474 |
Imperishability of the divine word....
Jun 16, 1940 |
264 |
1475 |
Doubts about the truthfulness of individual announcements....
Jun 16, 1940 |
288 |
1476 |
Mammon - matter.... wrong direction of will....
Jun 17, 1940 |
171 |
1477 |
Distance from God.... self-knowledge.... union....
Jun 17, 1940 |
68 |
1478 |
Earthly hardship.... violent intervention.... living faith....
Jun 18, 1940 |
156 |
1479 |
Union with God consequence of active love....
Jun 18, 1940 |
125 |
1480 |
Way of the flesh.... free will - reason - mind....
Jun 19, 1940 |
67 |
1481 |
Physical pleasures.... infirmities of old age....
Jun 19, 1940 |
68 |
1482 |
Forgiveness of sins.... Infallibility.... Routine actions....
Jun 20, 1940 |
1018 |
1483 |
Force of nature.... elemental power....recognizing the deity....
Jun 21, 1940 |
56 |
1484 |
Work of the beings of light.... disappointments.... renunciations....
Jun 22, 1940 |
71 |
1485 |
Jun 22, 1940 |
67 |
1486 |
Releasing from earthboundness.... task....
Jun 23, 1940 |
64 |
1487 |
Mental results.... function of the organs....
Jun 23, 1940 |
65 |
1488 |
Strength from God....
Jun 23, 1940 |
83 |
1489 |
Value of spiritual knowledge....earthly knowledge....
Jun 24, 1940 |
59 |
1490 |
Generating light and power.... I
Jun 25, 1940 |
60 |
1491 |
Generation of light and power.... II
Jun 26, 1940 |
76 |
1492 |
Constant struggle.... joyful service.... victory....
Jun 26, 1940 |
60 |
1493 |
Divine intervention.... detonation....
Jun 27, 1940 |
63 |
1494 |
Erroneous thinking of God-denying people....
Jun 27, 1940 |
58 |
1495 |
spiritual flattening of the present....spiritual turning point....
Jun 28, 1940 |
68 |
1496 |
View of life dependent on belief in the survival of the soul....
Jun 28, 1940 |
68 |
1497 |
The word of God.... form.... prerequisite....
Jun 29, 1940 |
90 |
1498 |
Education for right thinking.... faith....
Jun 29, 1940 |
65 |
1499 |
Fight.... and motive for it....
Jun 30, 1940 |
128 |
1500 |
Recognizing the transient and the imperishable....
Jul 2, 1940 |
124 |
1501 |
Ten commandments.... justification of the legislation....
Jul 3, 1940 |
134 |
1502 |
spirit - mind.... function of the body.... spirit from God....
Jul 4, 1940 |
80 |
1503 |
Law and justice....
Jul 4, 1940 |
74 |
1504 |
Concern for the souls' salvation.... Utterly unselfish neighbourly love....
Jul 5, 1940 |
764 |
1505 |
Spiritual marriage to God....
Jul 5, 1940 |
292 |
1506 |
Influence of light beings on thinking....
Jul 6, 1940 |
82 |
1507 |
Source of knowledge.... delicious labetrunk....
Jul 6, 1940 |
70 |
1508 |
Crisis.... violent premature termination.... natural disaster....
Jul 6, 1940 |
126 |
1509 |
Exploring and affirming the powers of the mind....
Jul 7, 1940 |
86 |
1510 |
Transience of the earthly.... clearing away - obstacles....
Jul 8, 1940 |
119 |
1511 |
'Draw strength from My Word....' Prediction....
Jul 9, 1940 |
685 |
1512 |
Union with God on earth.... overcoming all desires....
Jul 9, 1940 |
76 |
1513 |
Activity is life.... danger of inactivity....
Jul 10, 1940 |
67 |
1514 |
Infallibility.... Ecclesiastical commandments....
Jul 11, 1940 |
857 |
1515 |
spirit of eternity.... power of the spirit....
Jul 11, 1940 |
85 |
1516 |
‘You are Peter, the rock....’
Jul 11, 1940 |
545 |
1517 |
‘Go and teach all nations....’
Jul 12, 1940 |
529 |
1518 |
Spreading the pure truth.... false doctrines....
Jul 12, 1940 |
64 |
1519 |
Misguided thinking.... misguided....
Jul 13, 1940 |
77 |
1535 |
Submission of the will to the divine will....
Jul 23, 1940 |
2 |
1536 |
Act of liberation....
Jul 24, 1940 |
2 |
1537 |
Moment of light....
Jul 24, 1940 |
2 |
1538 |
Sequence of the catastrophic event....
Jul 25, 1940 |
1695 |
1539 |
Purpose and cause of the proclamations....
Jul 25, 1940 |
3 |
1540 |
Exceeding the limits of his power (adversary)....
Jul 26, 1940 |
3 |
1541 |
Different situation in life is irrelevant for higher development....
Jul 26, 1940 |
2 |
1542 |
Fatherly Words.... Return to the Father's house....
Jul 28, 1940 |
822 |
1543 |
Emergence of thoughts....
Jul 28, 1940 |
3 |
1544 |
Laws against the divine teaching.... Eradication of these....
Jul 29, 1940 |
4 |
1545 |
Obstacles.... Love of neighbour....
Jul 30, 1940 |
2 |
1546 |
Overcomer of death.... Eternal Glory.... Wrong will....
Jul 31, 1940 |
2 |
1547 |
Bread of heaven....
Aug 1, 1940 |
2 |
1548 |
Assessment of mysterious events.... Temporary confiscation....
Aug 1, 1940 |
2 |
1549 |
Utilised divine power.... Misused power....
Aug 2, 1940 |
3 |
1550 |
Mimosa-like sensitivity.... Equanimity....
Aug 3, 1940 |
2 |
1551 |
Nuisances.... Fornication.... Faithlessness....
Aug 3, 1940 |
2 |
1555 |
Reflecting on what has been received....
Aug 6, 1940 |
2 |
1559 |
Gate to eternity can already be passed through before death....
Aug 8, 1940 |
5 |
1560 |
Working of the spirit....
Aug 10, 1940 |
2 |
1565 |
The voice of conscience....
Aug 13, 1940 |
1025 |
1567 |
Confess Jesus Christ before the world.... Divine protection....
Aug 14, 1940 |
524 |
1580 |
Influence by the prince of lies on people's thinking....
Aug 24, 1940 |
1351 |
1583 |
Failure to recognize the origin from God.... Feeling of togetherness....
Aug 25, 1940 |
2 |
1584 |
Admonition of a father from the hereafter to his children....
Aug 27, 1940 |
2 |
1585 |
Grace.... Spiritual vision.... Blissful state....
Aug 27, 1940 |
542 |
1586 |
Aug 28, 1940 |
569 |
1587 |
Reincarnation.... Spiritual vision....
Aug 29, 1940 |
3 |
1588 |
The essence of love....
Aug 30, 1940 |
4 |
1589 |
Involuntarily premature deceased people.... Beyond....
Aug 31, 1940 |
558 |
1590 |
Inner reflection.... Hours of rest - Introspection....
Aug 31, 1940 |
755 |
1591 |
Spiritual turning point.... Fight against Christ....
Aug 31, 1940 |
2 |
1593 |
Subordination of the will.... Grace.... Spiritual and earthly knowledge....
Sep 2, 1940 |
2 |
1594 |
Coming time of suffering.... Purpose of the announcement....
Sep 2, 1940 |
5 |
1595 |
Fulfilling the commandment of neighbourly love without love....
Sep 3, 1940 |
3 |
1596 |
Co-operation of those who are of the same spirit.... Word of God....
Sep 3, 1940 |
2 |
1597 |
Various revelations.... Where is the truth....
Sep 4, 1940 |
2 |
1598 |
Faith and trust in God.... God's mission....
Sep 5, 1940 |
2 |
1599 |
Fear of the beings on the other side for perseverance for this work....
Sep 5, 1940 |
2 |
1600 |
Conveying spiritual truths in the hereafter....
Sep 6, 1940 |
2 |
1601 |
Fullness of power of the divine love.... Reason for creation....
Sep 7, 1940 |
2 |
1602 |
Mood disorders.... Depression.... Proof of love....
Sep 8, 1940 |
522 |
1603 |
Understanding, reason and free will.... Preconceived ideas.... Responsibility....
Sep 8, 1940 |
2 |
1604 |
Earthly worries.... Lack of faith and trust....
Sep 9, 1940 |
4 |
1605 |
Living water.... Word of God....
Sep 10, 1940 |
2 |
1606 |
Mediator from the world to God....
Sep 11, 1940 |
4 |
1607 |
Dead and living matter.... Work of destruction.... Catastrophes....
Sep 11, 1940 |
2 |
1608 |
Divine order....
Sep 12, 1940 |
2 |
1609 |
Research with and without God's help....
Sep 13, 1940 |
2 |
1610 |
‘Become like children....’
Sep 13, 1940 |
3 |
1611a |
Free will indispensable for redemption.... (self-redemption)....
Sep 14, 1940 |
3 |
1611b |
Means of grace.... Prayer and activity of love....
Sep 14, 1940 |
3 |
1618 |
The soul.... The spiritual spark in the human being....
Sep 18, 1940 |
1071 |
1622 |
Judgment .... Time of peace .... The opponent’s broken power ....
Sep 20, 1940 |
304 |
1739 |
Jesus’ transfiguration .... ‘My Father and I are One....’
Dec 15, 1940 |
777 |
1742 |
My commission.... Help the needy....
Dec 17, 1940 |
682 |
1743 |
Hint on the upcoming event.... God’s protection....
Dec 18, 1940 |
772 |
1748 |
Spiritual change.... Professing Jesus Christ....
Dec 24, 1940 |
288 |
1749 |
The soul's hardship necessitates suffering.... 'Father, Your will be done....'
Dec 25, 1940 |
813 |
1750 |
Establishing spiritual contacts on earth.... Help from the beings in the beyond....
Dec 25, 1940 |
346 |
1753 |
'Vengeance is Mine....'
Dec 27, 1940 |
556 |
1757 |
Thoughts are spiritual strength....
Dec 30, 1940 |
569 |
1762 |
Battle against Christ’s teachings.... Persecution of those who confess Him....
Jan 2, 1941 |
1059 |
1792 |
Heavenly bliss .... Eternal glory ....
Jan 28, 1941 |
553 |
1795 |
Signs of the world catastrophe....
Jan 30, 1941 |
825 |
1797 |
Duty of distributing the divine revelations....
Jan 30, 1941 |
843 |
1798 |
Hour of death....
Jan 31, 1941 |
544 |
1811 |
Human corrections of the messages from above....
Feb 15, 1941 |
606 |
1814 |
Communal church service.... Tradition....
Feb 16, 1941 |
560 |
1815 |
The opponent’s intentions to portray everything of a mystical nature as error....
Feb 16, 1941 |
806 |
1823 |
Eruptions .... Diversity of stars ....
Feb 21, 1941 |
549 |
1826 |
Spiritual explanation for the eruptions .... Service in the light ....
Feb 24, 1941 |
286 |
1827 |
Coming in the clouds.... Rapture?....
Feb 24, 1941 |
539 |
1829 |
Fulfilment of duty....
Feb 24, 1941 |
684 |
1842 |
Confirmation of prophesies.... World events....
Mar 8, 1941 |
539 |
1849 |
‘Hallowed be Thy name .... ’
Mar 15, 1941 |
544 |
1851 |
Eruptions .... Activity of unbound spirits ....
Mar 18, 1941 |
508 |
1857 |
Human contention that God’s Word is completed....
Mar 22, 1941 |
546 |
1862 |
Fatherly Words.... Faithful prayer and intercession....
Mar 24, 1941 |
545 |
1869 |
Sense of justice.... Judging one's fellow human being....
Mar 30, 1941 |
1582 |
1874a |
Immortality of the soul....
Apr 4, 1941 |
1061 |
1874b |
Immortality of the soul....
Apr 4, 1941 |
1036 |
1888 |
Decline of vegetation.... Storms - Tempests....
Apr 14, 1941 |
1499 |
1894 |
Confused thinking – Unbelief.... Faith – Grace....
Apr 21, 1941 |
541 |
1899 |
Cremation.... Accelerated disintegration process....
Apr 28, 1941 |
828 |
1919 |
Celestial bodies.... Various luminosity.... Purpose of those....
May 16, 1941 |
812 |
1923 |
Comforting Words ....
May 18, 1941 |
1255 |
1933a |
Instincts of preliminary stages determine character....
May 25, 1941 |
1065 |
1933b |
Heredity.... Disposition.... Parents....
May 29, 1941 |
1291 |
1937 |
Will – Grace .... (Objection Philippians 2 – 13)
Jun 3, 1941 |
591 |
1947 |
Redeeming the souls.... Bearers of light.... Knowledge - Light....
Jun 11, 1941 |
294 |
1950 |
Measures against the Christian faith....
Jun 12, 1941 |
501 |
1951 |
Suicide.... Fate in the beyond....
Jun 13, 1941 |
790 |
1958 |
Divine justice – Mercy....
Jun 18, 1941 |
520 |
1960 |
Demonic activity.... Necessity of divine intervention....
Jun 19, 1941 |
576 |