
2087 Divine grace is an aid....

September 27, 1941: Book 30

The slightest resistance to divine grace results in its diminution, for God's grace cannot be effective where it is rejected. Whoever desires to stand in divine grace, his measure is inexhaustible. This is why prayer for God's grace is extremely successful, as it testifies to the will to receive divine grace, and this also means receiving it. In cases of deepest spiritual need, God's grace is also made accessible to people who do not ask for it, for God's merciful love leans towards them and tries to make them receptive even against their will. But they cannot be forced to be receptive; however, the divine help is sometimes so clearly evident that the person feels touched by it and offers no resistance, and then the grace begins to take effect.... The person perceives it as a blessing and now desires it. Divine grace is help in every form.... The human being will be able to recognize it if he is willing; he will feel the influx of strength which expresses itself in increased strength of will; he will become more capable of love; he will take notice of what previously seemed insignificant to him; he will make contact with people who can influence him favourably; he will long for light, for spiritual food, and this will be brought to him. All this is grace, an aid to the attainment of maturity of soul.... But he must always allow it to become effective in him. The fact that God imparts it to him does not yet condition his willingness to receive it. Only the latter is decisive. However, the path upwards can never be travelled without divine grace, and therefore it is certainly true that man can do nothing without divine grace.... conversely, however, divine grace is also ineffective without the will of man. And this will remains free. The greatest and most obvious bestowal of grace will never have a determining effect on the human being's will; he must decide for himself and can always accept or reject it. And this cannot be otherwise if an eternal law is not to be overturned. God loves all His children and He will also make everything available to them in order to lead them back to Himself. But if He also wanted to determine the will, then it would be easy for Him to bring everything that exists into a state of maturity. Yet these would then be directed beings which exclude godlikeness, for free will belongs to perfection. And that is why even God's grace, which is the means to achieve perfection, cannot eliminate free will. The willing person, however, is allowed to make use of all aids and will thereby also easily reach the heights. Resistance to God's grace is also resistance to God Himself and willingness towards God's adversary. And then the influx of divine grace cannot possibly influence him if his will is still turned towards him. Whoever wants to receive from God must also be able to give.... but whoever gives his will to God will receive unmeasured and now also be able to mould himself according to God's will. For God loves all His children and wants to help them to ascend, He wants to win them back and liberate them from the opposing power....


Translated by Doris Boekers