2287 Divine spark of love.... right and wrong love....

April 2, 1942: Book 32

The divine spark in man is love. God has placed love in every human being's heart and has now given him a task on earth.... to let this divine spark of love flare up into a bright flame which then consumes everything around it. Love is therefore inherent in all people, but to which things this love turns is up to the person, i.e. the human will determines the goal of his desires, i.e. the object of his love. Spiritual desire and earthly desires characterize right love, i.e. love that is pleasing to God, and wrong love. For love is the desire for union. If something is brought to a person and he seeks to possess it, then love has already been kindled in him. And both will be brought to him so that man can decide. Earthly goods and temptations of the world are offered to him, but spiritual goods are also made available to him so that the love in man can now decide which object it takes as its goal. And love grows accordingly. The desire for union thus gives earthly life its content in the first place, for the human being now strives for possession of.... spiritual or earthly, depending on whether faith and the desire for God are strong in him. Love will therefore be the driving force behind all actions and thoughts. Worldly love is the same as unkindness, because worldly love excludes love for God, worldly love only strives for its own possessions and never turns to its neighbour.... Self-love, however, is the opposite of neighbourly love, so this love expresses itself in unkindness towards fellow human beings. For every human being will love himself, even though his thoughts and actions towards his fellow human being must be called unloving. Initially, two desires will fight within a person, and then it is important which desire within a person gives in to. If the love for the good is predominant in him, then he will soon overcome the desires for the world, for the good has its origin in God, consequently the human being strives towards God and therefore his love turns towards Him. And this love expresses itself in love for his neighbour, and it will flare up into a bright flame. But wrong love will have transient possessions as its goal; it will therefore also be unstable, it will always discover new things which it desires, and this wrong love will turn people away from God and lead them towards his adversary. The divine spark in the human soul will then not be nourished but rather suffocated in impure instincts.... pure love is replaced by a desire that is likewise regarded as love, but with the difference that its goal is not God but his adversary, so that we can speak of a perverse love. But this wrong love is now the characteristic of the spiritual low of mankind. For he who has God as his goal, thus seeks to unite with Him, loves God and is close to Him, thus spiritually more mature than those who are distant from God due to their wrong love for the world. For spiritual maturity can only be achieved through union with God, and anyone who strives for this is in the right state of love, he has ignited the divine spark of love within himself and tries to mould himself into love....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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