2471 Divine will determines the effect of human will....
September 12, 1942: Book 33
Everything in the universe is governed by God's will, only on earth is the human being's will apparently involved where it concerns events which only have an earthly effect, which are therefore merely subject to human will. An earthly activity is assigned to man during his earth life, and he must let his will become active for it, i.e., he must use the life power, which constantly flows towards him, and let the will become action. Everything that the human being now carries out must also have some kind of consequences.... man's activity must be constructive or destructive, consequently the human will is decisive for the effect of any deed, as long as the divine will does not intervene to prevent this effect, if it harms the fellow human being, if it serves the salvation of the soul of man. Thus the human being can certainly strive for a certain effect of his actions and therefore his will is directed towards this effect; however, divine will is decisive as to which course an intended action takes. And thus every world event takes place in accordance with divine will, regardless of whether it is initiated or carried out by people. People have little understanding for the fact that their will is eliminated although it is the cause of every earthly event. And yet this is the best proof of the fact that no-one can say in advance exactly what the outcome of this or that event will be and that they often have to reckon with a completely different outcome than that which corresponds to their will. Thus God seemingly leaves people free will, but as soon as this is misused with God's opposing intention, as soon as the human being's will expresses itself destructively, His will is immediately recognizable, which only allows the destruction if it is beneficial for the salvation of the soul. For divine will controls everything, both the universe as well as the spiritual kingdom.... Divine will cannot be eliminated, even if it appears that the human being determines earthly events through his will. But as he uses his will he will have to answer for it one day. Whether he allows his will to become active in a constructive or destructive way is decisive for his spiritual development, although God opposes His will and prevents the effect of human will....
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