2134 Desire for God.... willpower.... power current....
October 30, 1941: Book 31
Every attempt to come closer to God will be blessed by Him as the desire for it will become ever stronger and this will also guarantee fulfilment. Life will be a constant struggle, for the human being shall test his strength through resistance, and thus even a willing person's desire will often diminish so that he will try to overcome this state through increased willpower. For only then will he be able to stand up for Him as Christ's fighter on earth. For this battle requires the greatest willpower, patience and perseverance. He must have overcome himself before he can serve God as an overcomer of his fellow human beings. But once a person has a desire for God, he is also devoted to Him and endeavours to do what is pleasing to God. And his good will will be recognized and strengthened by Him, only he will have to become active again and again, and thus patience will be exercised at the same time if he does not become discouraged but repeatedly seeks contact with God, even if it is difficult for him. The struggle of man is evaluated by God. The more resistance, the more meritorious it is for him if he finds the connection with Him and obviously receives His grace. God wants to be longed for, He wants to be requested because this testifies to love for Him, and only love for Him earns the fellow human being love in return, which expresses itself in the form of an influx of strength. And this is why the earthly child should struggle incessantly so that it can receive this most precious gift, the flow of strength from God. For this stream of power leads the being ever closer to God. Whoever feels this stream of power must already be in the circle of light of the divine radiance, otherwise he could not be touched by it. And what this means is not yet grasped by the human being on earth.... what it means to already be allowed to be a bearer of light and strength on earth and to be able to pass on divine strength, which flows to people in the form of His word, to fellow human beings and thus to be able to pass on the strength from God as it were. Where this great grace is offered to a person, no struggle should seem too difficult for him, for if he struggles for inner strength and vigour for his will, he will reach his goal.... He will always be able to accomplish with ease what at first seems difficult to him, he will feel the strength from God and his desire for union with God will become ever more intimate, and God will also fulfil this desire....
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