2801 Jesus' promise: "Seek ye first the kingdom of God...."
July 6, 1943: Book 37
Man needs little for earthly life if he pursues the spiritual goal, i.e. if he is only concerned about his soul. And God provides enough for his earthly needs and he will lack nothing, as the lord has promised.... And that is why earthly worries are unnecessary, as the heavenly father knows the state of His children and what they need for their physical well-being. And He considers them earthly and spiritually, He not only maintains the body but also gives the soul what it needs in order to mature for eternity. However, man must put the care for the salvation of the soul before everything else so that Jesus' promise can be fulfilled: "Do not worry about what you will eat or drink or what you will wear, but seek first the kingdom of God, and everything else will be added to you...." Yet people know no other worries than for the well-being of their bodies, and since they do not think about their souls, God leaves them to their worries, because they do not pay attention to Him. And so He also withdraws. They should recognize the unsuccessfulness of their earthly striving and therefore He often takes from them what they have painstakingly gained, and thus they live in constant worry about their body's well-being, whereas they could go through earthly life easily and carefree if they wanted to pursue another goal which would simultaneously guarantee their earthly needs. Yet people have no faith, they do not pay attention to the divine word, they do not pay attention to Jesus' promise; they do not believe in the truth of what Jesus Christ taught on earth and consequently cannot receive the blessing of this promise either. And thus no other relief will be offered to them and they will have to fight the battle of existence through their own fault, just as unbelief will always disadvantage people in body and soul. God has created man for the sake of a task, He has created him in such a way that he has to look after his body in order to maintain his earthly life. And if he now fulfils the task, which consists of maturing his soul, then he need not fear at all that his body would have to starve, even if he puts earthly activity behind his spiritual striving, because now God Himself considers him.... by supplying him with everything man needs for daily life. How carefree mankind could walk on earth if it seriously considered the word of God and wanted to live accordingly.... Instead, however, people are only concerned with the preservation of the body and disregard spiritual needs. But anyone who strives for the kingdom of God is constantly in His care, he will receive everything he needs to live, he will never need to live in want, nor will he need to worry if what he possesses is taken from him, for God knows about his needs and worries and is ready to help at the right time. He tests His children in faith and tries to strengthen those whose faith is still weak. And that is why anyone who carries God in himself, who is united with Him and eagerly endeavours to acquire the kingdom of God will never find himself in need of the body.... God will consider him at all times, and His care will know how to prevent a person who observes Jesus' promise from getting into bodily distress: "Seek first the kingdom of God.... everything else will be added to you...."
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