2355 God feeds his own in times of need.... grace....

June 1, 1942: Book 32

You humans will only recognize the abundance of grace flowing from the directly received word of God when you are deprived of every opportunity to receive the word of God elsewhere. There will come a time when nothing will remind you of the activity of spreading the doctrines of faith that have been openly offered to people up to now.... a time will come when people will only meet in secret in order to hear about God's love, His will and His activity, and people will have to fear that these meetings will be counted as a crime. And this is the time which God foresaw and which caused Him to work extraordinarily in order to be able to give these people the bread of heaven in a direct form. As people want it, He lets it happen, yet He comes to the aid of those who have to suffer because of this will.... And what is taken from them by people is given back to them by God Himself, He Himself comes to people and feeds and strengthens and comforts them.... He does not tolerate that they have to starve, but He gives them food which is imperishable, He feeds them with the bread of heaven, He supplies them with food which is a direct transmission of strength from God. For He knows that people need such; He knows that they come into situations where their faith is in danger; He knows about their weakness of faith in the face of such dangers and therefore He offers them His word which silences all fear and worry. For He Himself descends to earth in the word and is therefore in the midst of those who believingly accept His word. And so people will endure everything with faith and undaunted and still be happy. They will allow themselves to be reviled, they will bear every persecution with patience and only recognize the truth of the divine word in them, and their strength will increase, their faith will become ever deeper and more unshakeable. And they will no longer fear the world if they have submitted themselves to Him Who also rules over the world.

Where the word of God is offered, there the lord dwells in the midst of men, and He refreshes and strengthens them for the battle they are to wage for His name's sake. The time is near when the adversary prepares himself for this battle, when he determines the will of men for unscrupulous action against all men who stand in faith. The time has come when the evil spiritual forces will look for people who are in bondage to them and through whom they can work unhindered.... And it will be their greatest ambition to prevent everything that favours spiritual striving and to destroy everything that points to God or acknowledges Jesus Christ as saviour of the world.... in other words, to prevent any knowledge of divine wisdom and to use satanic cunning to assert themselves.... And the followers of the world will be at their will; as they are already distant from God they will have no qualms about giving up everything spiritual and content themselves with earthly pleasures, thus paying homage to God's adversary who wants to elevate himself to the throne.... He will reign for a time, but the power of faith will be revealed in those who resist him and recognize God as their only lord.... For what the opponent of God offers them will only ever be worldly goods that will not last.... He will promise honour and glory to the people who are willing to serve him and threaten the others who are true to their faith. And so he sets himself against God.... He is His adversary, His enemy, who does everything in his power to gain supremacy over the human soul. Yet he will not succeed with the souls which are devoted to God.... Only where unkindness prevails will he celebrate triumphs and present himself to them as God, and their blindness will recognize him. But God protects His own from his influence by imparting His strength to them even when God's adversary wants to prevent this.... He sends His word to them and is with them in the word itself, dispensing strength and grace and blessing those who are faithful to Him and want to serve Him. For one thing is necessary in the coming time.... that the divine word is spread, which He Himself sends to people and which He has blessed with His strength....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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