2495 Matter and spirit.... visible and invisible creations....
October 4, 1942: Book 33
Spirit and matter are opposites insofar as the spiritual unites while matter dissolves. The spiritual escapes the form, but matter itself evaporates, i.e. its substances disintegrate and disperse in the spiritual kingdom; matter has therefore gone the way of all earthly things, for it is without existence, it passes away as soon as the spiritual in it no longer needs it. The divine creative will, however, lets new works of creation arise time and again from these spiritual substances, thus the material world, i.e., the creation visible to man will never cease to exist because in it the spiritual has to cover its course of development. But there are also invisible creations, i.e. those in which the spiritual does not need a solid covering, i.e. is no longer bound in matter. These creations are spiritual formations which therefore can only be seen spiritually and which are therefore only inhabited by beings which are in such a degree of maturity that they are able to see spiritually. These creations are different from those of the material world. They would be declared non-existent by people on earth because they are not tangible or visible to them, yet they are in closest contact with the visible world. For from these worlds the earth, i.e. its inhabitants, are spiritually influenced to overcome matter as such and to put themselves into a state which can be reached regardless of matter. What comes from this spiritual kingdom will always point towards separating oneself from matter, that is, to seek union with mature spiritual beings and to despise matter as worthless because it is transient. For the pursuit of matter makes man incapable of looking into that spiritual realm and thus also incapable of dwelling in an invisible world. The material world is a world of struggle, the spiritual world a world of peace.... Matter is material, formed from spiritual substances that have not yet recorded any developmental process, but are now beginning to do so, i.e. they have been assigned a task by God to be a covering for the spiritual that strives upwards for as long as it is needed. However, at the bottom of it all, matter is the strength that once emanated from God, which God's will allowed to become form in order to redeem the fallen spiritual substance through it....
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