2220 Working in the kingdom of light.... Truth.... Messengers of God....
January 23, 1942: Book 31
Numerous beings descend to earth from the kingdom of light and inform people of God's will. Yet only a few people recognize their activity, only a few know about the great spiritual hardship, about God's love and care for His living creations. Yet God will bring these few together and they will receive messages from the kingdom of light in various forms, for God will consider them according to their task which they have been given for earthly life. Yet all will be offered the same truth and therefore it will also have to be scrutinised, for what is offered from the kingdom of light will always and forever be the same.... Truth from God.... And so these beings of light constantly transmit divine wisdom to earth, where willing people are ready to receive and also agree to pass on what they receive. The world full of light is constantly active to banish the state of darkness, and this can only happen in such a way that divine truth is conveyed to earth, which now gives people the right light and favourably influences their earthly life. For when man has become knowledgeable he also lives according to this knowledge, thus according to divine will. He knows everything and thus his state is no longer without light.... But where a light shines, the dark night is broken through and there can never again be darkness there. And thus the truth, which is offered to people from the kingdom of light, will also kindle a light wherever it is granted access.... But by this the truth will also be recognized as such, that it will illuminate the human being's spirit, that the scales will fall from his eyes and he will understand everything that was previously unclear to him, and he will now be urged to pass on to his fellow human beings what makes him profoundly happy because it has imparted brightness of spirit to him. To be honoured with the truth is an immeasurable grace, yet it can only come to the person who opens his heart to the teachings of the beings of light.... but at the same time shows so much love to his fellow human beings that he wants them to share in his spiritual wealth. And thus humanity is informed of God's will because, as it were, God's messengers proclaim His will to people. For only by fulfilling the divine will is the light transformed into a brightly shining flame and its bright light illuminates the darkest night. But God wants to displace the darkness and put the light in its place.... And so the work of the beings of the kingdom of light is a constant battle against darkness.... And everywhere the light is kindled so that the spiritual night is broken through and the day full of light dawns, which displaces the night....
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