2464 Psychic.... good or bad powers....
September 3, 1942: Book 33
Which spiritual forces manifest themselves to people, if their activity is openly visible, must be seriously scrutinized by those who think righteously and want to walk in truth. There is a connection between heaven and earth, i.e. between this world and the beyond, which need never be interrupted if the human being is willing to maintain it. And indeed, the powers in the beyond always express themselves through those people who comply with their will, who are therefore of the same spirit so to speak. Thus the spiritual substance full of light will always express itself through noble, good people, whereas the dark forces will make use of people who are dark in their disposition, who are incapable of good movements, for they are also willing to serve the evil forces, thus they willingly carry out what they demand of them. But these evil forces will never be able to approach people whose nature is good, i.e. turned towards God.... There is no power which is so strong that it could displace the spiritual being full of light; but the beings of light are constantly at the side of the person who is turned towards God, and thus the dark powers have no access, which is why an evil being from the beyond could never express itself through a person who only strives for the good and whose way of life reveals good, noble impulses.... The gift of clairvoyance is a manifestation of spiritual forces from the beyond, i.e. the human being is given enlightenment by knowing spiritual beings about things which the human being cannot otherwise fathom because they are beyond his scrutiny or knowledge in terms of time or space. The human being who is able to see such things therefore has a power at his disposal which is not his own as a human being, and this power is supplied to him from the spiritual kingdom. The spiritual beings have this knowledge at their disposal as soon as it concerns things which still belong to earth, and they can therefore give information to men on earth because they are not hindered in time and space. So they can, since they are no longer physically hindered, turn to where these earth-bound beings, be they human beings or dead objects on earth, are and therefore mentally give information about them to the person questioning them. On the part of man only a refined receptivity of his senses is necessary to be able to receive these explanations, and he can switch on this intensified sensory activity at any time, therefore concentrate on receiving the mental whisperings from the spiritual world. The human being must therefore recognize spiritual forces for the first time, with which he can connect at will. However, as long as only purely earthly matters are to be clarified, which have nothing to do with the higher development of the soul, the clairvoyant person does not need to show a high level of spiritual maturity either, but merely recognizing spiritual forces and using them by willingly listening to their whisperings is enough. But then he is never certain that he will also be influenced by forces that are still imperfect, and that he will therefore also make mistakes. But the results will always be striven for out of earthly interests, but spiritual progress will never be brought about as a result. The latter depends on the degree of maturity of the one who can see hidden things. If he himself is deeply spiritual, then he will also be able to have a spiritual influence on the people who make use of his help. Then he himself will have a wealth of knowledge at his disposal and he will use this knowledge for the salvation of his fellow human being. For then he will also be supported by beings of light when he tries to fathom things that would otherwise remain hidden from people....
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