2481 Fall of the angels.... essence.... will and power.... free decision....
September 23, 1942: Book 33
Originally the beingness was full of light, it had emerged from God, it was perfect, i.e. powerful and mighty, because it was similar to God.... It was in the same will with God, i.e. its free will was turned towards God.... It was equal to God.... But because it was equal to God it also had to be able to create something equal, thus something being-like emerged from it again, beings came into being by virtue of the will of the being that had emerged completely from God, but by utilizing the strength flowing to this being-like from God. And the fact that the being drew the strength from God was the cause of the rebellion against God, for the being considered itself so powerful that it believed it could create the same out of itself.... that it therefore wanted to eliminate God as a source of strength.... This was arrogance on the one hand and an abuse of the will on the other, and both were directed against God. The fact that the beingness now opposed God could only result in a weakening, but never in the withdrawal of the power it received. The being now considered itself capable of being able to create out of its own strength.... And God let it create.... What was originally from Him could continue to use His power at its own discretion.... the power was not withdrawn from it, although the will of the creator turned against God. But now beings came into being with a will already turned against God, beings were created which signified a counter-current to (against) God and which therefore had to be regarded as children of satan.... i.e. as beings created by a will opposed to God using the power from God. Thus the once perfect beingness (being) fell away from God and was subject to a being which was once the bearer of light and which had now changed its light into darkness. For as soon as it separated itself from God, as soon as it opposed God, it was completely devoid of light. It therefore plunged from the highest height into the deepest depth, it turned from a God-like being into a being completely alien to God, which distanced itself further and further from God and was now active as a counter-power.... Countless beings emerged from this being, all of which were God-opposing....
(22.9.1942) And thus the strength from God was misused, it was utilized in order to create something which was opposed to God, and this created being increased because the once perfect being's power was unlimited, thus it was able to create without diminishing the strength it received. But the created beings were now products of the one who let his will become active, although the power from God made the emergence of these products possible in the first place. Consequently, the same will was in the created beings as the creator carried within him.... the will of the being was likewise God-opposing, because the creator had placed it into the created beings, for the beings he created corresponded entirely to his will and his image; thus they had become what they were, so to speak, involuntarily.... So they had to be given freedom of will by God before they could be called to account for their anti-God attitude. And they were now given the right of self-determination by virtue of which they could decide completely freely in favour of their creator, from Whose will, or in favour of the one from Whose strength they had emerged. This free decision only turned the being into a perfect being as soon as it turned to God.... Yet the creator's will was already too firmly rooted in it, and thus the being decided in favour of the latter of its own free will, it thus made itself complicit in the rebellion against God, and now it also belonged to the fallen angels who now also had to atone for the open rebellion against God.... And so the will, which God had given to the beingness for free decision, was bound, so that now the beingness turns to God in a certain state of compulsion, to then receive free will again in a higher level, to consciously decide for or against God....
(23.9.1942) In the last embodiment on earth this free decision for or against God is demanded of the being, because in this last embodiment as man it is equipped with all gifts, which make a free decision possible. It is now presented with knowledge about God as well as His adversary so that it can turn to anyone completely unconstrained, depending on its will.... God does not demand anything impossible from people, He only demands their will, which should turn to Him completely. But He has to demand this will because the beingness was once created out of a will opposed to God and because the power from God was used for it. If the will is now turned towards God then the being is a divine creature and can dwell eternally close to God.... But as long as the will still resists God, the being is the product of the opponent of God, for the will determines the degree of divinity or distance from God.... The will is the actual beingness, and therefore the will must strive towards God in order to let the beingness become the being of God. Thus the will in earthly life as a human being has to turn to God, the human being has to recognize the source of the strength which created him in God and strive towards this original source of strength, then the being will have freely chosen God and brought itself into a state which aligns itself with the essence of the eternal deity and thus also brings about an approach to God which is unspeakably blissful for the being.... It has consciously decided in favour of God, and this free decision makes it His creature, His child, which is invested with all the rights of a child.... The spiritual being, which once fell away from God, has found its way back to the father, from Whom it can no longer separate itself and thus remains united with Him for all eternity....
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