2805 Labourer in the vineyard.... instrument of God....
July 9, 1943: Book 37
The desire for heavenly food will always be satisfied, and thus the word of God is fulfilled, which promises His spirit to those who hunger and thirst for it. However, receiving divine food is always linked to a task.... to pass it on to our fellow human beings.... The extent to which a person is mindful depends on his will to do so. For his knowledge can vary in extent, and it will be all the more extensive the more he puts it at the service of his neighbour, the more willing he is to work with his knowledge and contribute to the redemption of the bound. For then he will be included in the circle of teaching beings who fulfil the same mission on earth as in the beyond.... to spread divine truth amongst ignorant people. He is then likewise a labourer in the vineyard of the lord who has voluntarily placed himself in His service and is now well provided for in order to be able to carry out his service properly. God therefore makes use of him as a tool, while man again takes the gifts of God as his tool in order to be able to work for Him. And if he now wants to receive these gifts, he will be abundantly provided with them.... Both the receiving as well as the passing on makes him happy, his spirit is constantly active in order to absorb the transmission of the spirit outside of him, the emanation of the divine spirit, and to convey it to the soul, which again lets the intellect become active, which now, driven by the heart, tries to transfer the gained spiritual good to the heart of the fellow human being and finds its happiness in this activity. And the desiring person will recognize the gifts imparted to him as divine spiritual gifts and greedily receive them, he will again be fed from above, whereas with other people they can fade away on the ear without having made an impression on the heart. The word of God is only effective in the heart of the one who desires it, who hungers and thirsts for it.... It can only be effective there because a divine gift presupposes a person's willingness to receive it, even though it is also offered as a special grace to those who are still ignorant and therefore do not know the desire for the bread of heaven, yet the gift must first have awakened the desire before it is effective. God's love constantly tries to win people over to His word, because without it the soul's higher development cannot take place, and therefore He offers it to them in very different ways. He also passes it on to those who do not receive it in the usual way, who are outside the church and who are not completely turned away from God. He passes it on to them, but makes the effect dependent on whether they are willing to receive it, whether the desire for it is awakened in their hearts, whether they want to penetrate the knowledge that was previously offered to them in the smallest measure. He tries to make people understand that they have to hear His word in order to be able to fulfil their task on earth, that they absolutely have to be guided into the right knowledge in order to be able to recognize the nature of God, and that they can only receive this knowledge through His word, which is offered to them by His love. If the will to be introduced to this knowledge is aroused in a person then he is already desirous and his will can be complied with.... he can be fed with the bread of heaven, the truth can be imparted to him, which now drives him again to pass on what he himself has received. It is only the will to participate in the teachings from above which now also makes him worthy of them.... For if this will is serious, then he moulds himself in such a way that he is receptive to the divine word. And then he will also develop his ability to teach, he will feel the urge within himself to likewise initiate his fellow human beings, and since he is now active as a labourer in the vineyard of the lord, he is merely God's instrument through which God Himself works.... through whose mouth God Himself makes Himself known. God makes use of people for the sake of freedom of faith, He lets people receive His wisdom through the mouth of man, He instructs them Himself and only uses people so that His working does not appear supernatural and compels people to believe. And that is why every servant is welcome to Him. He needs many labourers for His vineyard because it is urgently necessary to break through the spiritual darkness with the light of knowledge and this can only happen through the transmission of His word, which brings light because it contains the divine truth which alone leads people towards God....
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