2291 Different schools of thought.... checking the sources....
April 7, 1942: Book 32
People are waging a battle against each other that is far worse than world events at present.... These are the different schools of thought whose representatives fight all the more stubbornly the more their views are refuted. And this constant battle against each other only results in each one having to be suppressed by the one Who alone is the truth and Who wants to guide the truth to earth. For if people advocate a school of thought which does not correspond to the truth, this is a distancing from God as truth Himself. Every spiritual battle is only justified if the one fighting is recognized. Then he should also stand up for what he has recognized as truth. It is true that every representative of his school of thought believes himself to be in the state of realization and therefore also believes himself to be entitled to fight. But there is one thing a person does not consider.... that the origin of his knowledge is decisive for the truth of it.... As long as people do not have the same opinion, different sources of their wisdom must also be inferred. And this source is therefore the first thing that must be subjected to criticism. Pondering and enquiry have usually preceded every acquired view, and pondering and research have produced different results.... Therefore, pondering and research can never guarantee correctness, but the guarantee of truth must be sought elsewhere. As long as people think differently, they are still far from the eternal truth, for in the truth all must find each other. In order to think alike, however, the basic attitude must also be the same, i.e. the attitude towards God must first be examined. If the attitude towards God is right, then the thinking must also be right, for God as the eternal truth will guide man's thinking correctly if man recognizes and desires Him as truth. The right attitude towards God is therefore a prerequisite for right thinking, and thus only the person who affirms God with full conviction of his heart can stand in the truth. However, a person only affirms Him if he establishes a living relationship with Him.... when he recognizes himself as a creature completely dependent on Him and desires union with Him, i.e. wants to unite with Him, because he perceives separation from Him as an offence against God. This spiritual foundation is the first prerequisite for right thinking....
And man will also move in truth in accordance with it. Thus the human being's knowledge can only be assessed once it has been gained in the profound connection with God, which can only be re-established if the human being believes in a being which is extremely loving, wise and powerful.... which is therefore supremely perfect. This convinced faith is a living affirmation of the eternal deity.... But the love, wisdom and omnipotence of God will be an explanation for the most extraordinary things. From this point of view, everything can be considered possible. But the person who is not yet in the truth will reject everything that the person who is in the truth justifies with divine love, wisdom and omnipotence because he lacks faith in such a perfect being. Consequently, he does not connect with this being and cannot be taught by Him.... And those who teach him are people who are not above human error. Their opinions can be speculations, but they can never make a statement of irrefutable wisdom. Rather, a person standing in truth will easily succeed in refuting them because nothing is foreign to him and he is introduced to the deepest wisdoms through the intimate connection with God. And thus people who advocate different schools of thought should always first take the trouble to clarify their attitude towards God, and then it will emerge who is closest to the truth, for it will inevitably be where the deepest belief in God is rooted in the human being. For this person is in union with God, and he can also consider himself taught by God as soon as he approaches God Himself for the truth, thus he receives his knowledge directly from the one Who is truth in Himself. The will for God and the desire for truth are the guarantee that God Himself will express Himself and distribute the truth. And thus people should not fight each other but scrutinize and then accept what inwardly appears acceptable to them. And if the will for truth is strongly developed in a person, he will also very quickly realize....
Translated by Doris Boekers