2755 New era of redemption.... paradisiacal state.... renewed struggle....

May 27, 1943: Book 34/35/36

A time of greatest turmoil is now replaced by a time of deepest peace, for everything that lives there in free will is for God, that is, of God-centred will and therefore needs neither suffering nor tribulation as a means of education. It stands in love and is therefore close to God.... and closeness to God means peace and harmony and a state of bliss already on earth. And this is the beginning of a new redemption period in which God's adversary still has no influence on people because he is bound for a long time. It is a paradisiacal state because people are in a state of realization, because faith and love have given them knowledge and they are happy in recognizing the truth. Every process on earth is understandable to them, error is banished, they hear the voice of God within themselves which continues to instruct them, and their love for God increases and is expressed in unselfish neighbourly love. And this harmonious state lasts for a long time.... But the creations on earth are again carriers of the spiritual, which is to develop upwards, and therefore they also have to give it the opportunity to serve. And therefore, like the creations of the old earth, they will dissolve and change within themselves in order to release the spiritual substance therein so that it can reshape itself anew. Consequently, the people of the new earth must also carry out certain activities in order to promote this continuing development of the spiritual. But the spiritual is still very immature and pressurizes people in a certain state of maturity, i.e. it tries to divert people's mind towards itself, and if they allow themselves to be influenced by it they will distance themselves from God. These are only the coming generations, whose souls still harbour immature substances and who therefore have to struggle more in order to reach spiritual maturity. Their knowledge of God is correspondingly clouded, they are not completely distant from God but they are no longer able to hear His voice clearly because their senses are already split, because they are no longer undividedly focussed on God but are also distracted by earthly things and this results in a darkening of the spirit. And then God's adversary will once again have an influence on people's souls and the battle for the spiritual realm will start anew, a new era of redemption will begin, a renewed struggle of the world of light against the impending darkness and, accordingly, a more difficult earthly life for people who are in danger of losing themselves to matter.... Although God constantly speaks to people and makes His will known to them, the more they strive for matter, the less they hear the divine voice and thus they distance themselves from Him. Divine love, however, draws them to Himself time and again, and time and again He draws closer to them in order to enable their complete redemption from the form, which admittedly cannot be achieved without struggle, which is why God once again grants His adversary power over people's souls but provides them with His strength to resist him to the same extent. This is a redemption period of a shorter duration because the spiritual substance has to cover its renewed earthly progress under particularly difficult conditions, thus it has to atone for its resistance far more severely than on the old earth and it decides more quickly to give up this resistance. Consequently, it covers each subsequent phase of development significantly faster and can embody itself as a human being again correspondingly sooner. But even this life as a human being will only bring it final redemption when it testifies to giving up its resistance through a continued labour of love, for which it will again have ample opportunity. For as long as the earth is the abode and the training station of the spiritual being, this spiritual being will also be given the opportunity to leave it as a perfected being of light. However, it is up to him how long it takes to do so, because the spiritual being as a human being is endowed with free will and this can now be utilized by him in the right or wrong way.... For the new earth will make the same demands on people.... to redeem themselves through love for God and their neighbour....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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