2545 Spiritual gift gateway to the spiritual realm....
November 11, 1942: Book 33
Only spiritual gifts can be offered from the realm of the spiritual, and so it is understandable that this gift brings no earthly advantage but only brings salvation to the human being's soul. Spiritual gifts are nevertheless more valuable because they have eternal value. It effectively opens the gates to the spiritual kingdom for the person who accepts this gift and organizes his earthly life accordingly. The spiritual kingdom, however, is the true home of that which the human embodiment has requested for the purpose of its maturing. And this embodiment as a human being is only a temporary state. But the real life only begins in the spiritual kingdom, where no earthly shackles oppress the soul anymore, where light and freedom replace the darkness and lack of freedom in earthly life. The inhabitants of the spiritual kingdom know about the unfree state of the human being on earth and they endeavour to help the human being attain a state full of light, a stay in the spiritual kingdom. However, the human being's soul must spiritualize itself, i.e. seek contact with the spiritual within itself. It cannot do this on its own and therefore the spiritual beings assist it by imparting strength to it in the form of spiritual teachings.... thus offering it gifts of the spirit which are nourishment for the soul, so that the soul thereby matures and joins the spiritual beyond itself more and more. And it acquires the right to the spiritual kingdom by seeking to follow everything that is recommended to it through the spiritual gifts, by living as it is advised, by thus forming itself according to these spiritual gifts. The human being has to walk the earthly path, there is no other way to reach the goal and there is no other means to mature on earth than the supply of the divine word, which is therefore offered to people as a spiritual gift. This word has to result in the soul's maturity, for the spiritual beings transfer the strength from God to people, which they constantly want to receive from Him and pass on in their love, because this signifies an exhilarating activity for them, to be able to hand out delicious gifts to those who need them. But people on earth all need this supply of strength from God, and this is why God also wants to convey it to all people, this is why He tries to make His word accessible to them through a mediator.... He instructs the beings of the spiritual kingdom to instruct people who offer themselves to God as mediators so that through them His divine word will be spread on earth, thus strength and light will be conveyed to all those who desire strength and light. These people now receive spiritual gifts from the spiritual kingdom, and the earth with its possessions loses its significance for them; they flee from the earthly kingdom as soon as they receive spiritual gifts, and thus they mature themselves and also help their fellow human beings to mature their souls by imparting the spiritual knowledge to them as well if they desire it. And the more willing people are to listen to the spiritual teachings and shape their lives accordingly, the more the spiritual kingdom will spread throughout the world. But to the same extent that they increase in spiritual wealth, they must also despise the world and its goods, for both together can never be given to people. They must decide in favour of the spiritual kingdom or the earthly world, and they will be considered according to their decision....
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