2520 Konnersreuth.... piety....

October 21, 1942: Book 33

Anyone who is able to look into the spiritual kingdom has had his spirit awakened, and through the connection with the spiritual beyond he accomplishes things which his fellow human being regards as a miracle. However, it is only spiritual work which is possible for the same person who, through a God-pleasing way of life, can utilize the spiritual forces with which the spiritual spark within him unites. The way in which these powers work is determined by the human being himself through his will or his intellectual thinking. He can therefore carry out certain things that seem worthwhile to him mentally; he can want something that he has mentally planned and he carries out these thoughts. This is spiritual activity, whereby the human being directs these forces to himself through his will and the spiritual forces comply with this will because the God-pleasing way of life makes their activity possible. But there is also a spiritual working where the will of man is excluded, where God's will alone expresses itself, where the human body is only a form which harbours the divine spirit within itself. These forms are therefore only the shells which conceal the deity from the human eye, but which in turn the eternal deity uses to reveal Himself to humanity in order to lead them to recognize the eternal deity. What this form now does can no longer be judged in human terms, but must be measured by the standard of divine activity. Every event, every manifestation and every miracle reveals a divine power that works directly. Therefore, the form must be perfect so that it is suitable as a receptacle for the divine spirit, as the dwelling place of the divine lord and saviour. This worthiness can only be achieved through the deepest love for the eternal divinity, through the deepest inner feeling and conscious subordination of the will to the divine will.... This subordination of the will to the divine will must be demanded if God himself wants to work through a human being. The human being who gives himself to God must therefore do everything he deems right before God, he must, as it were, make God's will his own by completely giving up his own will. At this stage of devotion he will be able to see through everything and therefore know everything and also be able to do everything, for now the divine spirit works itself.... God needs such people in order to work through them. He wants to come to the aid of humanity, which threatens to slacken in faith, He wants to bring Himself close to it, He wants them to be pointed towards the divine saviour and to lose all doubts about Christ's act of salvation. Deep unshakeable faith and devoted love for the saviour can shape a person's soul in such a way that God can take abode in the person in all His fullness. And then every state is possible, suffering and pain, happiness and bliss. And the human being can fulfil the task given to him by God for his life on earth.... For God foresees the will and the deep love and strength of faith of such a person who devotes himself to God and accordingly allows the destiny of life to play out for him as it is His will. God chooses him to do extraordinary things in order to draw people's attention to Himself. Everything divine appears in the process, and now it is a matter of proving faith. A person who is so intimately connected to God that he hears the inner voice also sees the events of the past, present and future. Such experiences are therefore to be believed. God Himself works through these people and this will always be suitable to increase the strength of faith. Extraordinary activity is based on a special piety, and this can certainly also extend to external formalities, yet the heart will always be involved, thus the person will be filled by profound love for the saviour, which is expressed by the fact that he fulfils everything that is demanded of him.... he always acts out of love for God, he makes every sacrifice to God. And God recognizes this love and sets it as an example to the whole of humanity, because every action, every word and every thought is only the effect of this deep love for God. So God's love turns to this earthly child.... He takes it to Himself in His kingdom when its last hour has come. Everything a person does, thinks and speaks is always aimed at complete union with God and must therefore also be good, i.e. pleasing to God. Everything that brings about union with God must correspond to divine will, and therefore He shows people the path they should take in order to find the final union with God. And He Himself descends to earth and works through people whose life is an uninterrupted labour of love and who are therefore seized by divine love and accomplish great things....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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