2772 Preconditions for inner enlightenment....
June 13, 1943: Book 34/35/36
The grace of inner enlightenment will always be the result of unselfish activity of love, thus such must always have preceded where God comes to people through His spirit in the word. He pours out His spirit upon those people who completely endeavour to live according to His commandments, who are therefore lovingly active and thereby intimately unite with God so that He can use them as His instruments and He now speaks through them as if He dwells in their midst. God speaks to people and conveys the gospel to them, He instructs them about His will and introduces them to extraordinary knowledge, He enlightens their spirit as He promised during His earthly life.
But man must also be prepared accordingly so that the spirit of God can work in him. He must then listen to the inner voice that makes itself known to him at all times. He must switch off everything earthly from his thoughts and fervently long for the connection with the spiritual world; he must make himself ready as a receiving device for the radiation from God, which flows uninterruptedly into the universe. To a certain extent the whole spiritual kingdom is involved insofar as that the spiritual beings, which are perfect and therefore God-connected, receive the radiation of God and now pass it on into the human heart, so that the soul can now be imparted what the spirit in it receives from the spiritual kingdom. The more intimately a person joins God through loving activity and humble prayer, the more clearly and understandably he hears the voice of God within himself to his inexpressible joy and happiness. For what he has received, he may keep and, as it were, utilize by passing it on to his fellow human beings. And this passing on will also be under the protection of the divine spirit, because the human being is likewise enlightened in spirit if he wants to teach his fellow human being, so that he cannot pass on anything false but only hands out the pure truth, because the spirit of God protects him from erroneous teachings. How easy it is for a person to acquire the pure truth and how little use is made of this favour.... God has promised His spirit to all those who love Him and keep His commandments.... But His commandments are to love Him and your neighbour with all your heart. The fulfilment of these commandments entails unimaginable blessings, for the human being no longer only walks on earth, but can enter the spiritual kingdom at any time and take the treasures of the spiritual kingdom with him to earth. Everything earthly falls away from him as soon as he enters the spiritual kingdom. And God's love takes pity on the earthly child's ignorance and He guides it into all truth.... And only truth can make the human being happy, only truth can guarantee his soul's higher development, for truth is strength from God which unites the person to whom it flows with God. And therefore the human being first has to be active in love in order to receive the truth, in order to be enlightened by God's spirit and to be able to recognize brightly and clearly what truth is.... God sends out His spirit upon all people who live in love and desire to hear God's voice; and He introduces them to the truth through His spirit....
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