2123 Powerless state in the afterlife....
October 21, 1941: Book 30
The unutilized time on earth can never be made up for in the beyond, although an ascent upwards is also possible there. The process of change on earth takes place in a short time, whereas in the beyond an indescribably long time is required in order to place the soul into the degree of light which results in creating and shaping. On earth the will towards God and heartfelt prayer is enough that power is imparted to the soul, because the power is at its disposal unmeasured, while in the hereafter the being is powerless in the stage of imperfection, so that it can no longer do anything out of its own will. For what helps it to become free from oppressive envelopment requires strength. It does not possess this strength and therefore cannot change its state at will, but must first acquire the strength through its will. But the will is weak precisely because the being is imperfect. In earthly life, however, the will towards God is sufficient for its strength to be increased as soon as the human being believes in Jesus Christ and His act of salvation. For Jesus Christ acquired this increased willpower for people through His death on the cross. Everything man does is an expression of strength, so man can constantly use and utilize strength because it constantly flows to him. He can therefore carry out the works of love, which liberate him from his bondage, at any time, as soon as he only wants to, even if he is still imperfect, which the imperfect on the other side cannot do. For even if it wants to help and give love.... it can only do so when it receives love itself and can therefore pass it on. And this love, which therefore becomes strength, must first be given to it by willing beings.... either by people through prayer.... which, however, is an act of the human being's free will and can certainly be desired but not forced by the beings in the beyond.... or by beings of light which are able to give and which can only distribute it when the being has the desire to help and to be lovingly active. Thus the will to be of service has to be present first before the transmission of strength can take place, and in its wretched situation the being first thinks of itself rather than of the suffering souls. On earth the human being utilizes the strength for some kind of activity, and thereby he is always and constantly serving without consciously subordinating himself to serve. His soul can therefore also form itself unconsciously when it inwardly drives him to do good and he does not resist this drive. And thereby the strength in him is increased and his earthly life can be unimaginably successful because every good deed gives him renewed strength and lets him consciously strive towards God. In earthly life, therefore, the human being can do whatever he wants because he is not hindered by a lack of strength. Whereas in the beyond the will does not yet simultaneously mean receiving strength, but only the will to help gives him strength. The strength which is now imparted to him benefits, as it were, the beings to whom he wants to give help, and through the will to help he now also acquires the love of the beings of light, and only then will he also be considered by them. The ascent upwards certainly starts with the moment of loving activity of an imperfect soul, but it needs an inconceivably long time before it reaches the same goal, which the human being can easily achieve on earth since he can immediately put his will into action as he does not lack the strength to do so. Will and strength are absolutely necessary for the transformation of a still dark being into a being of light.
If the being is now without strength then its state remains unchanged, i.e. the same as it was when it departed from earth. The will turned upwards earns it increased strength as long as it remains on earth, whereas in the beyond the granting of strength is linked to a condition.... with the passing on of this power to souls in need of help. The being must therefore desire the power for other souls.... A wanting to work in love must be the cause for requesting the power, then this power will also be supplied to it. The willingness to work in love is therefore a prerequisite for the supply of strength. But in earth life man can dispose of the power even if he does not use it to be active in love. And this is why the human being can achieve undreamt-of spiritual progress on earth as soon as he utilizes the strength at his disposal in accordance with divine will. He can completely shape himself into a being of light and, upon his entry into the beyond, attain a degree of light which will bring him unimaginable heavenly delights, and a being which leaves earthly life in spiritual darkness will need an infinitely long time to shape itself into a bearer of light, although it will also receive help in the beyond from the beings of light which are constantly active in order to guide the dark towards the light....
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