2196 Fountain of wisdom.... fountain of grace.... refreshing drink....
December 28, 1941: Book 31
Everyone who hungers and thirsts for spiritual nourishment will be allowed to refresh themselves at the divine fountain of grace. As soon as he has a desire for it, the fountain of wisdom will open up to him and strengthen his spirit. And this results in the fact that his soul has to mature, for if it is given spiritual nourishment it will increasingly shape itself in accordance with divine will, i.e. it will unite with the spirit within it and this will mould the soul into the image of God. It is radiated with light until it has completely become a being of light. God's love is therefore constantly ready to bestow grace.... Receiving this grace also requires the willingness of the human being, for grace cannot be imparted to someone who does not want to receive it, but the human being cannot be forced to receive grace either. Yet how often does he lack the willingness, how often does he pass by the source of grace which divine love opens for him so that he can draw strength from it.... And even if living water flows from the spring, which is delicious refreshment for the thirsty traveller on earth.... man desires other food and drink and ignores the spring. And therefore the need in the world is unspeakably great.... therefore people are afflicted by suffering and affliction, so that they become weary and thus threaten to pine away and take refuge in this divine source of grace, which alone can give them refreshment and strength. Every traveller needs strengthening, for the path to the heights is long and arduous. Every traveller also has access to this source, but how many pass it by because the refreshment does not seem desirable to them, because they want to indulge in worldly pleasures and do not desire spiritual refreshment. And God does not force His grace on people, He certainly brings it close to them, He offers it to every person, but He leaves it up to them to make use of His gift of grace. And if He now imparts His word to people and it is not heeded, they lack strength, for the greatest and most precious of all gifts of grace is the imparting of the divine word. Blessed is the person who draws from the fountain of His love and wisdom, who does not pass it by, who bows down to receive the refreshing drink, for unsuspected strength will flow through him and the path to the heights will become easy for him....
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