2151 Unusual task.... unusual strength.... constant submission of will....

November 14, 1941: Book 31

An unusual task also requires unusual strength, and in order to be able to receive this strength, the human being's striving must also be unusually great, i.e. the human being's will must always and repeatedly be prepared to fulfil the divine will. A one-off agreement and willingness to serve God is not enough. Man must always place himself at God's disposal anew in order to be able to receive power from God anew. For man's will should become stronger, man should consciously seek the connection with God, because only this means the separation from the world, which only then ensures the ability to receive divine strength. Once the human being declares himself ready and this would be sufficient for the later task, further development would be guaranteed even if the human being's will were weak or turned towards God's adversary. And every human being will be exposed to this state from time to time and has to be, because the adversary's struggle for the soul will also start and God will not deny him this either. Thus the human being would then no longer fight against his enemy but against God Himself, and this would result in a certain higher development which, however, would no longer be caused by free will. Spiritual freedom is only possible when the human being has completely freed himself from the evil power that wants to dominate him.... But a detachment from this power is at the same time a union with God.... The union with God, however, must be striven for by the being itself, consequently the innermost drive in the human heart must long for God, and this longing must become a permanent state, because the divine power flows to the human being in accordance with the longing. If the human being is to fulfil a task which requires extraordinary strength he must always be in contact with God, he must always and constantly open his heart so that God's love can communicate itself to him, thus the will must be incessantly active, he must time and again submit himself to God the lord, he must regard himself as an empty vessel which constantly fills itself with the strength which is absolutely necessary for extraordinary activity. Unusual work, however, will always be to wrest from God's adversary the souls that still cling to him. Unusual work is furthermore to pass on the spiritual knowledge received by a person to fellow human beings who have not yet formed themselves sufficiently to receive spiritual knowledge directly. For they will almost always resist it if it is brought to them, since the ability to recognize the truth also presupposes a desire for the truth. And such people must now be influenced with all love and patience so that they are willing to think through what they have heard. Then it can also be received by them. Therefore, the transmission of spiritual truths to fellow human beings requires people who are extremely willing to be of service and who are driven by the realization of humanity's spiritual need to be willing to help. They must place themselves at God's disposal time and time again, as such a task can only be accomplished from the innermost drive and could therefore never become a mechanical act. Only when the human being is fully and completely absorbed in this task can God work through him in such a way that He makes use of the human being's will and the latter must now act in accordance with God's will. This state, however, presupposes profound love for God and his fellow human beings, and thus the will is constantly active as soon as it is driven by love. However, as long as the human being is still struggling and the transformation of his soul is not yet complete, he requires an immense supply of strength but must also acquire it, i.e. he must ask for it in constant union with God. A person must, as it were, live for his fellow human beings and form the bridge from them to God. A person must recognize adversity and try to avert it by shaping himself in such a way as is necessary in order to receive God's strength.... And he now has to use the gift of strength for his fellow human beings again, for a person's love, which is expressed in his activity for his fellow human beings, is able to transfer much, thus also the gift of strength from God to them, if his endeavour is not openly resisted. The will to serve God enables man to redeeming activity, and this will be successful if deep love changes his nature to gentleness, patience and peacefulness, for he may only fight with these weapons if victory is to be on his side. But it is a difficult beginning to lead humanity on the same path that brings it the power supply from God. Therefore, the human being who wants to serve God constantly receives strength in the form of the divine word as soon as he proves himself worthy of it, and the human being increases in wisdom, his will is strengthened, his ability to pass on the divine teachings also grows and his love becomes ever deeper, and this is decisive for his earthly task.... Only love brings him the love of God to such an extent that he submits himself ever more willingly to God and finally becomes completely absorbed in His will....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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