2460 Greatness and nature of the eternal deity....
August 29, 1942: Book 33
God's greatness will only be revealed to man when his spirit is awakened, but even then it is still incomprehensible to him as nothing can be offered to him for comparison and man as such is incapable of unveiling this mystery. For God's greatness cannot be measured by earthly standards, nor is it a changeable concept; God will remain the most perfect, most holy being for all eternity, as He has been since eternity.... And yet this perfect being will take care of the most insignificant creature, since it was created from His hand, through His will of love. And yet the eternal deity appears to people as a being Which acts within narrow limits because It holds the individual person responsible for what he does....
(29.8.1942) God's gift of grace, however, enables the human being to carry out what God demands of people. But what He demands of people is based on His eternal wisdom and love, and the human being cannot understand during his life on earth to what extent these demands correspond to God's wisdom. This can only be explained to him in parables and images as long as the human being is receptive to it. And this receptivity is again dependent on whether and how man establishes a bond with God. Accordingly, man will also be able to penetrate the essence of the Godhead. God cannot be explained intellectually, and neither can He be comprehended intellectually.... But the more the intellect is active, the more unclear the concept of the eternal deity becomes to man, and he can also become completely confused, because the recognition of the eternal deity is not dependent on the sharpness of the intellect, but on the feeling of the heart. Thus, the person capable of love will form an emotional image of God that corresponds more closely to the truth than the image that the person forms of Him by virtue of his intellect. But the person capable of love will also be satisfied with the idea he has gained in the correct realization that, as long as he still walks on earth, the greatness of God can never become comprehensible to the human being, yet he will not find His reign and activity incomprehensible either, he will not apply the standard to earthly circumstances, to earthly effects and earthly events, he will not intellectually ponder and investigate but only blindly believe that everything God does and allows to happen is good and wise.... And through this faith he will penetrate deeper into the essence of the eternal deity than can be done by thinking about it, if the human heart is less deeply in love. God is love and can only be understood through love. God is spirit, and therefore only spiritual enlightenment can be given.... Consequently, that which is proclaimed through God's love to the spirit of the one who seeks to shape himself into love must also be recognized as truth. The serious will to do the latter is absolutely necessary, for spiritual endeavour is not the intellectual desire to justify the supernatural, but working on oneself, educating oneself to love activity, gentleness, peacefulness, patience and mercy.... The latter is led into the truth and to recognize it, while the former only ponders and researches without coming to a completely satisfying result....
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