2753 Spiritual treasures.... thoughts.... beyond....
May 25, 1943: Book 34/35/36
Spiritual knowledge is a possession of everlasting value, it is something permanent which cannot diminish but only increase; it is a treasure which every human being can cherish and which can never be taken away from him. And people should desire nothing else but this good, and yet it is sought after only very little. Anyone who possesses it knows how to appreciate its value, but if he wants to help his fellow human being to the same good, he will be rejected in disbelief and his gift will be ignored. Spiritual goods cannot be arbitrarily transferred to a fellow human being if the latter does not desire them. He who desires spiritual good will be allowed to receive it; it will often be offered to him in a marvellous way and it will bring him rich treasures. Nor will it ever diminish even if the human being gives it away, his spiritual wealth will not be diminished by giving but rather increased, because the offering of spiritual treasures is a labour of love which inevitably results in love and grace again, which is tantamount to an increased supply of spiritual thoughts. And this is why the human being should strive for nothing other than spiritual wealth and only fulfil earthly things to the extent required of him, for it is unwise to increase earthly possessions as they lose all value at the moment of death. What is desirable on earth will only ever serve the body for comfort, but spiritual thoughts touch the soul and can therefore only benefit the soul; and therefore spiritual treasures must also be received by the soul and be perceived as a blessing. spiritual possessions will also never be dead possessions, i.e. possessions which remain unutilized, which as dead possessions are of no benefit to anyone, but their owner will constantly be active and work with these spiritual possessions. He will constantly give it away and at the same time increase his possessions, he will always be able to receive new goods so that his possessions are never used up. And all it takes is the human being's will to raise these spiritual treasures and to acquire wealth which is of eternal value, which is everlasting, because its origin is the spiritual kingdom, which is eternal and everlasting. And people could be immeasurably rich if they used their will correctly to receive spiritual knowledge, for it outweighs all earthly things many times over. And the true value will only be recognized in eternity, where only the spiritual riches count and the poverty of the one who only strived for earthly possessions will be truly recognizable. Again, the soul's will has to be prepared to accept spiritual possessions, otherwise its fate in the beyond will be very poor and sad. But if it lacks the will, spiritual possessions cannot be offered to it, whereas in earthly life such is made accessible to every human being and the human being's will only has to decide whether he accepts it. Hence the human being on earth is much better off, since God's grace repeatedly gives him the opportunity to acquire spiritual treasures, that he is constantly influenced by the beings of light to turn his thoughts towards spiritual things, and that he is also imparted spiritual thoughts by his fellow human beings if he does not completely reject them. And the events around him can also cause him to let his thoughts wander into the spiritual realm.... He is always and everywhere offered the opportunity to unearth spiritual treasures and increase his possessions, if only he is willing. In the beyond, however, his will must demand, otherwise nothing can be offered to him, and this will must first prove itself through willingness to help, thus through loving activity. Only then does it depend on when his spiritual poverty can be remedied through spiritual possessions.... And only then can the soul work with its wealth and give happiness as well as feel happiness. It can be incessantly active, it can give out and receive spiritual good and be happy....
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