2078 Heredity theory....
September 19, 1941: Book 30
The so-called theory of heredity also tends to misguide people's thinking. For people always assume that they want to find a purely earthly explanation for the various developments both in terms of the body and in terms of character. The structure of the body, therefore the purely material outer form, can indeed be scientifically researched, and this research will only ever lead to clarifications of the material composition of matter, but it will never be possible to connect character traits or the shaping of the soul with the results, for these are not dependent on matter, therefore a certain spiritual development will never be the result of a certain material composition. The material composition is completely irrelevant for the spiritual higher development, therefore also the knowledge about it is a so-called dead science, which remains without any spiritual value and only makes extraordinary demands on the thinking of men. There will be a lawfulness to be observed in all created things; this lawfulness will also be ascertainable in the human body, but the knowledge of it should only lead to the realization of the eternal deity, Which is supremely wise and omnipotent. Then this knowledge will be a blessing for mankind. However, just as the purely material composition of God's creations is used to infer the essence.... the thinking, feeling and willing of a living being, if character traits are considered to be an effect of certain material bonds.... i.e. the combination of various earthly substances.... then man's train of thought is misguided, and then such research is not only worthless, but misleading and therefore reprehensible. The physical constitution of the human being has no influence on the soul's formation, so a high level of spiritual maturity will not be the result of the union of two people recognized as physically perfect, but spiritual maturity can be achieved just as easily and often even more easily by a weak body that does not meet the requirements of the theorists. Something purely external can certainly be inherited, which can be explained by the laws of creation, but this is irrelevant for the spiritual formation, and therefore such research is without any value....
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