2542 Rejecting the divine word danger....

November 7, 1942: Book 33

Take note of this, that you are in the greatest danger if you do not believe My word. You have an arduous path to walk and I want to strengthen you for this path. Without this strengthening you will lose yourselves, you will be powerless and let yourselves be driven wherever the enemy of your souls wants you to go, you will not be able to put up any resistance against him, for you are unable to do anything without Me, without My word, and if you reject it you reject Me Myself, for it is I Who comes to you in the word because I know that you are in danger. But how can I help you and give you strength if you flee from this strength?.... You will have to fight unspeakably and your adversary will gain the upper hand, for without Me you are weak. And what you have to face requires all your strength of faith; you have to stand so firmly in faith that nothing will be able to shake it. But how will you strengthen your faith if not through My word?.... What hardship you are facing and what difficult times lie ahead of you.... For this has become necessary for the sake of humanity, which has almost given up faith in Me and is to find it again through suffering and hardship. And for this coming time of adversity I offer you the means of strengthening by revealing Myself in the word, by drawing close to you Myself and letting My word flow to you directly.... And you do not respect this gift of My love, you have no desire for it because you are still too much in the world. My word rejects the world, but you do not yet want to surrender the world.... My word teaches you to love your neighbour, but you only love yourselves and have no heart for your fellow human being in need. You are only tempted by the world, which you can grasp; but you have no understanding for the gifts that come from heaven, or you only want to utilize them in an earthly way, or you ignore them. And you jeopardize yourselves with it, and thus you will lack My strength when you need it because you ignore the warnings and admonitions beforehand. You will get into great distress and no longer know a way out. You will lose the ground beneath you and no longer be able to call upon Me because the forthcoming events will be of incomprehensible force and you will already have lacked faith in a kind, righteous and almighty God Who can turn all suffering into joy and Who can give you whatever you need. For you do not listen to My word, which announced the coming events to you long beforehand. You reject Me Myself with My word and I cannot come to you until you call Me.... And therefore I warn you once again.... listen to My voice, to My word, and believe that you need it for the salvation of your soul as well as for your earthly life, for difficult times still lie ahead of you which you can only overcome with My support, with My strength, which flows to you in the word which emanates from Me and is imparted to you through a human being. For I have blessed this word with My strength and I will protect those who accept My word as I have promised....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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