2051 Requiring spiritual strength or increased activity of love....
August 30, 1941: Book 30
The human being's knowledge will always remain inadequate as long as he resists the influence of the knowing forces in the beyond. The human being has an inner rejection of that which is not tangible or visible to him, and this aversion often determines him to resist everything spiritual, so that he cannot decide to scrutinize something either because the origin seems inexplicable to him. But this attitude results in the fact that the truth can never be made accessible to him, that he travels the earthly path in ignorance and thus also enters the spiritual kingdom in an inadequate state of maturity after bodily death. As a result little spiritual knowledge can be imparted to him, he therefore always remains on the same level when he is not exceptionally active in love. Only the latter can bring about a change in thinking. Increased activity of love can bring him increased knowledge and truth, for then those spiritual forces will likewise have an effect on the person without his knowledge.... A lively activity of love earns him the divine emanation of love, and this signifies a bestowal of divine strength.... by perfect beings serving Him, who, as bearers of light and strength, likewise lovingly exert themselves and transfer the divine flow of strength to the people who are therefore in love. Increased love will therefore replace the conscious request for spiritual strength and suddenly the human being will become knowing and seeing and recognize and affirm everything he previously wanted to reject. However, if the person is not active in love of his own accord and stubbornly resists spiritual influence by fleeing all instruction or mediation by his fellow human being, then it is difficult and often quite impossible to introduce him to knowledge, and then his life will bring little spiritual success. Such a person often needs great spiritual upheaval so that he will be stimulated to reflect and then unconsciously avail himself of the help of beings in the beyond, and then it depends again on his attitude towards God.... Accordingly, good or bad spiritual forces have an effect on him. And therefore it is extremely important to inform these people of divine activity, to make the eternal deity accessible to them so that they can seek contact with It themselves and then be mentally instructed by God. Anyone who recognizes God can never be lost, for he receives spiritual impartations because he recognizes God, and he will be looked after by giving powers without his knowledge, and thus he, too, can receive light if he does not offer open resistance.
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