2325 Spiritual activity more important than earthly activity....
May 6, 1942: Book 32
Nothing will replace your spiritual wealth when you leave this earthly life, and therefore do not worry so much about earthly things but always remember the shaping of your soul. Earthly activity should certainly be carried out conscientiously, but where a person is given a spiritual task, this takes precedence over earthly activity. There is nothing more urgent than caring for the souls of fellow human beings, and earthly activity is often only a means to an end in order to bring souls in need close to the one Who can and wants to help if His help is not resisted. Earthly activity must by no means be an obstacle to the exercise of care where this is necessary, for countless people are willing to do the former, but few turn to such an activity which is beneficial for the soul of their fellow human being. Think of the hardship the souls on earth are currently experiencing and also recognize the necessity of your activity, for God Himself wants to work through you and you should place yourselves at His disposal faithfully and unreservedly.... You should always be ready for Him if He needs you, and you should not worry that you are neglecting your earthly task as a result.... For the soul is more important than the body, and the work it does will always be blessed by God....
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