2032 Preparation to receive.... intimate contact with God....
August 16, 1941: Book 30
The conscious union with God through prayer results in a separation of the spirit from the earth. The thought activity now turns with full will towards the spiritual kingdom, and only now divine wisdom can be offered to the earth child from above. The separation from earth must first have taken place because the receiving of spiritual messages requires the will of man and prayer testifies to his will. The more intimately a person prays, the more clearly he realizes the divine gifts, which now come to him in the form of thoughts. The intimate connection with God through prayer is absolutely necessary because this makes the working of evil forces impossible, for a being which consciously makes contact with God is no longer harassed by those forces. They only seek to gain influence when the human being's thoughts turn to earthly things again, i.e. when contact with God has been severed. In the spiritual world there are likewise laws which exclude an arbitrary giving of spiritual good, and therefore man himself must first become active before spiritual good can be distributed to him. Man's activity only consists of preparing to receive. This work cannot be bypassed, it must be carried out by the one who wants to receive and consists in the fact that the human being in deepest humility gives himself to God and asks for His gift of grace and then sinks into his inner being in order to await this gift. As soon as this is disregarded, the giving beings cannot distribute, and thus a stagnation occurs which can be remedied again through heartfelt prayer. The ability to receive therefore mostly depends on establishing heartfelt contact with God, but the human being does not always succeed in doing so if his thoughts are focussed on earthly things. The earthly kingdom belongs to that power which wants to prevent the union with God. It will therefore try everything to prevent or disturb this union. The human being's will, however, can thwart such attempts and will also then reap its reward accordingly, which consists of imparting spiritual gifts, for these make the human being happy if he is serious about spiritual higher development....
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