2567 Man's attitude towards God and right relationship....
November 29, 1942: Book 33
It is up to man himself to decide what position he takes towards God. He is a part of God, inseparable from Him, but whether he recognizes this affiliation to God as a human being is up to him. He can believe himself to be completely isolated in the universe, without any connection to the power that created him.... but he can also feel connected to it, and his earthly life will correspond to this position. He is by no means compelled to profess God, to enter into intimate contact with Him and to allow himself to be permeated by His strength of love, but it is entirely up to him which relationship with God he wants to establish. He can also remain completely independent of God insofar as he does not consciously strive for or request a gift of strength. He can lay down his earthly life in the belief that he can organize it according to his own will.... He will then not recognize God, he will not believe in Him as the most loving, wisest and omnipotent being, nor will he establish a bond with Him but feel completely free and reject a power that controls his destiny. However, his attitude towards God will always be decisive for his spiritual development, for his life in eternity. For as soon as he rejects God, he cannot utilize the flow of strength that enables him to reach the heights.... He will certainly live but his spirit will remain unawakened, for the spiritual strength from God cannot join the spiritual spark in the human being, it will remain dormant and the human being will live his life completely uselessly, for he will not fulfil his purpose in life, the higher development of his soul.... For God must be recognized and the connection with Him established so that the strength from God can be imparted to the human being, which is absolutely necessary if the soul is to mature. Whereas the human being who enters into intimate contact with God, who consciously requests His strength in prayer and thus recognizes himself as a creature which remains dependent on God's love and grace as long as he remains on earth, can receive this strength unmeasured. The right attitude towards God will result in the child establishing the right relationship with the father, it will always be able to ask the child and therefore constantly receive it, the strength from God will constantly flow to it and it will consciously fulfil the purpose of earthly life.... namely to draw closer to God, to reduce the distance from Him and to shape his soul such that he can enter the spiritual kingdom as a child of God when his earthly life is over. The right attitude towards God earns the human being the right success, an eternal life in light and strength and bliss.... whereas the soul comes away empty-handed, which thought itself independent from God and consequently remained without strength on earth....
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