2042 power of the divine word.... resistance....

August 24, 1941: Book 30

The spiritual gifts imparted to people are extremely valuable and enlightening at a time when error and ignorance prevent people from thinking correctly. People often get caught up in an opinion without being able to give the right reasons for it, but they cling to it tenaciously and it is difficult to free them from it or to refute their opinion. It is better if they have not formed an opinion and can now be offered the truth, but trying to talk them out of a preconceived opinion meets with stiff resistance and is therefore often unsuccessful. Yet as soon as they are offered spiritual knowledge which was conveyed to earth from above even those people become suspicious if they seriously endeavour to stand in truth. Intellectually they cannot argue against it, and in their hearts their own voice admonishes them to confess it, and it only depends on their will that they will not resist and accept the divine gift as a gift from God. The power of the word is inconceivable, it flows through the person who surrenders to its power, and it also causes the resistance to diminish the more attentively the person scrutinizes the word. And once the inner resistance is given up the power of the word becomes ever stronger until it finally completely captivates him, and then the desire for it becomes ever greater and then it starts to become bright and light, for where the resistance has been overcome the word can work with all its power. Through the word, truth is spread and ignorance and error are banished.... And time and again God brings people together who are to help each other, who are to be enlightening and offer fellow human beings divine gifts, for He recognizes the individual's need and knows what means He has to use in order to help them. And if people want to be helped they will have escaped the state of darkness in no time, they will recognize and strive for the truth, and therefore it will be offered to them and made accessible to them such that they will accept it without resistance and sincerely thank God for the enlightenment of spirit. They only have to allow themselves to be guided and not want to take a different path on their own authority, for the slightest resistance will render the strength of the divine word ineffective and then the person will not recognize when he is offered the truth....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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